Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Untitled Post

Suddenly had the urge to blog.. (Its 2am now)

Lets talk about today (or rather yesterday 12-Aug-2008)
Early morning, i was carrying 2kg of bak kwa to work. First time go work carry so heavy de things. Its so happy to give us things to people. Seriously, i am happy. I give to everyone and almost everyone shock that i gave bak kwa for my "good-bye" gift. Fellow IA students say i am rich, but truthly i am not. Coz Bak Kwa having sales.. Wahahaha... I spent less than $100 for 3kg of bak kwa can? LOL... And where's the 1 more kg? At my house. Maybe about 200grams already in my stomach liao. Whahahaa..

And after distributing bak kwa we talk about new houses and my colleague teach me one "golden" word.
Well, its truth its really a golden word. This few days alot of golden words said by people around us really reflect some of my hidden mood. Well, i guess i know. Perhaps i also dunno. But well, Lets's Move On (without consideration now)..

And lunch time, my dad suddenly call me. "Oi, you go change 人民币 already? US rising lea, 人民币 drop to 4.85" Then i was saying, aiya i believe USD will drop sooner one. Then we talk about how much to change. I say $1k SGD to 人民币 will do. My dad wah so loud. He say he change $50 will do. The most $100. I say wah liao eh. He say everything included liao, change so much for what. Diao. I think he is joking with me one. Friends whom know me well will know i have a joker dad with me one. Everything can also joke one.. Hahaha.. That why he also have a joker son calls TowHong.. Whahahaa..

So now i am thinking, $1k alot mahz? (I not sua gu pls, i was thinking $1k is it really to much liao.. I scare not enough $$) Or my dad doesnt plan to buy anything back? Ooh My! I know no shopping trip but also must bring some extra go do spare right? I was thinking better in between got go shopping. I want go XiDan. Radio DJ says there got alot pretty babes **oops** but also alot people say there alot to shop. But my motive is there to shop not see babes.. Whahaha..
做人还是专一 一点比较好!Serious... And people tell me Xi Shui jie also not bad. God arx, can ask them in between slot 1hr of shopping at both places. Wahahaha...

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