Saturday, August 16, 2008

Untitled Post

Blogger change style? Dunno. LOL.. I see different screen when i log in..

One Last day of work. Well, this two weeks i am really the most unproductive worker. My colleague told me i lend your wafer, you dont use the what what what piece. I was there thinking, nope, i not going up there to work liao. You take away all the wafer also not my prob.. LOL... Unproductive Worker! LOL.. And today i pack my things back. Let me tell everyone, i am not exgratting, one BIG bag of stuffs. Instant Noodle, Chocolates, Milo, Cereal Bar.. Its totally like camping and its end of it liao.. Whahaha..

I am looking forward to this date. Its the END! Final espiode. After today, its a new journey. Well, I really love today. Morning was teaching my colleagues what must be done every morning so she can pass to next IA Student. (From NOW till 1-Sep, NO IA Student.. Sad..) Too bad larx, i am not extending because i am going to chiong my 5k. Now lets move on chiong 5k time. 2 months 5k? Hmmm.. Tomrrow start liao, let see how to chiong.. Hahaha... And stupid lorx, my manager on half day leave i dono until 4pm+. So i had to wait big boss come back to clear me off. Last day is like looking for idol signature.. Whahaha.. So many things to let people sign one. So after that went to Dorby Ghaut to celebrate Cat Birthday. Then after that go home. Well, i walked from train station to my house. Enjoy the breeze and see the star. Its abit far but its alright..

And "My Love will get you home" Recommending a nice song. JJ, go find the lyrics for me can?

AND AND AND, the happiness time had gone. Every afternoon i would spend money to buy happiness. Now never work there liao, no happiness liao. So how? how? how? Hahahhaa.... Never mind lets chiong 5k to see any man zhu gan. "Let's Move On" a new slogan. 5k here i come. Wah, if tomrrow give me tiok 4D first prize 1-1 like this my 5k reach le arx? Fast lea. Got possible? Hahaha...

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