Sunday, August 17, 2008

Untitled Post

First day of 5k dream. So i set the rule for my 5k. 5k include allowance, investment but exclude meal allowance and transportant allowance.
So how is my 5k like.. Hmm.. Lets count.. -$29.50. Wah piang, first day already a loss le arx. First day, i already dipped $29.50 of my savings. OMG! Nevermind, self consolation, lets work harder. Hahhaha.

So today wake up and go work at my old place as usual. Its been 2 weeks since i am last there. My work are just piling up. But its alright. I am happy there.. Hahaha.. And today one of my customer say me
Customer: Wah you like fatter now lea, very good life arx?
Me: No larx.. But i know i am fatter
Customer: Girlfriend 把你养得胖胖 is it?
Me: No larx.. (diao in my heart and thinking of something)
But seriously, i think i grow fatter. Weight like remain unchange. Its the size that i tink i am changing. Probably because the last 10weeks, every morning breakfast. Breakfast le sit again to read newspaper. Read le walk up to desk. That all. Then lunch le also walk back and sit. OMG! Never I will take my Great Wall Trip on Saturday(or Sunday) as exercise. Aim to climb to the top! First time there i never climb to the top and this time round, i want!

And me myself is really a blurr cock one lorx. I never knew that this thursday i am flying. Hahaha.. I afternoon still plan my dad work schudule till friday. He then told me, "eh you dun plan so far" "Friday in Beijing".. Beside that i even plan a meet-up on Saturday. OMG! Blurr Sotong. Going to fly liao also never realize. And my cousin very funny call me just now
Cousin: TowHong kor kor, heard you going china
Me: Ya lorx, you heard from who
Cousin: Heard from my father, eh no aunt
Me: Oooh..
Cousin: Can you buy something back for me
Me: I laughed. (My cousin is 8years old) If i go shopping i will buy something for you but if i dont then i never buy. What you want?
Cousin: Fu Wa
Me: Huh? What that. It was until he told me that the olympics bear then i know.
Ooh My god i doesnt know that is call Fu Wa.

Ok, end of super long entry. Hahaha.. All my entries are full of words and daily life. Well, i will talk what i think is suitable (as long as doesnt offend any law). So if you dun like, welcome to leave. Thank you for wasting your time here.

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