Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Untitled Post

Yes, i am back. Hahaha.

Went for my family chalet today. As what i had said before, my family short of 2 person going. Had a great day there. But the god was playing with us, rain when we wanted to start fire. But it was fast for the rain to stop. So had baberquing until 8pm where almost everyone there rush in to watch F1 ! Alanso! LOL... If you ask me did i bet, i can give you a straight answer YES, I BET ON ALANSO FOR $500 NO LARX, I DONT UNDERSTAND F1 AT ALL. Let alone what Alanso. I only know Lewis Hamiltion. (I cant even spell their names). And my cousin was also cute. She say i rather dont bet $10 on 4D on the door number, i go buy Alanso still got $280 return. Hahahaha..
So at night after everyone home, i found that my cousin left some beer in the fridge. So was deciding to drink by myself. Haha. Usually i dun mix beer but yesterday too bored so i mix, beer with orange pulp. It tastes not bad lorx. So slept at 1+ yesterday night.


So was being waken up so early by people. 8am, my cousin SMS me. 9am, my dear friend SMS me. 9.15am Chalet remind me to check-out by 10.30am. Wah piang i want sleep also cant. So nevermind, go have an early shower. Then pack off and go home. Whahaha.. So the whole day just went like this. Chalet is fun but if i can xxxxx x xxxxx i think it might be even fun and happy.
So after returning from chalet i am all busy today. Its so tired today. And i had 2 meals today. Intially i wanted to have one only but up till 6pm i am hungry liao. And then i know why i put on weight le. Because last time during attachment i walked 10mins to lunch and after lunch 10mins back. And now i eat already i never stand up and walk around. That maybe the reason. I am thinking only larx. And its last day of Sep tomrrow. So its left with Oct Nov Dec. Time flies. 2008 going to end soon. And what accomplisment i had in 2008? Hmmm...


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Lets start today post with something funny i read in papers. What is F1? You see the button beside Esc? That F1 ! And its aint pressing F & 1 (morever not F and 11 arx.) Wahahaha.. Its Lame, i know.

So i reschudule my day today. Was planning to spend late night outside since last train at 1.30am. Was so difficult in finding people. So forget it. And also i am tired larx coz i sleep late yesterday night.

I met my friend to gave her her stuffs and went home to sleep. Half-way thru being woked up. hahaha.. Its alright one. Then went out for dinner and some chit chat.

Its my day. Like this ended liao. And i want to lose weight. OMG! How come my weight shot up from 65 to 72 within months. Fxxx! Siao liao, i am losing weight now. Now target one day eat 2 meals liao.


Saturday, September 27, 2008


Been weeks that i havent met up with friends. Since this few days MRT is extending till 1.30am, anyone wanna meet out tonight? Maybe for a late night movie or a cup or two. Or maybe slack around. Anyone wants?

I am so tired! So late sleep so early wake up. YAWN.... TIRED... ZZZZZ...

One nice pharse "Possible of the impossible"
Critics had said its impossible by all aspects. Not one but a handful. Teacher had taughted the word "Perserve". Generally was thinking will perservance make it possible?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Untitled Post

Its all normal at work today. This few weeks everything is normal. There is nothing much to say either. Its all either i very busy or i very free.

Dinner today, PIZZA HUT.. Wahahaha.. Long time never eat.

And then anyone wanna go out tomrrow. I thinking to go until very late. Because this 3 days MRT is extending till 1.30am. Then come back late late sleep, sunday late late wake up go chalet. Wahaha.. So anyone keen to go out tomrrow? As late as possible. Hahhaa..

And so my birthday celebration really is one month de arx. My god-mum was saying celebrate by eating with her on tuesday. I suggest a thai resturant in CHIJMES. I try and tell everyone the food okie? Hhahaah.. And she asked me the following today
She: So we two go eat?
Me: Ya lorx.
She: You want to call your friend or your sibling along
Me: Eh, they in school
She: Or you want to call your girlfriend
Me: Escape question, talk other thing
Why in the earth is everyone talking about BGR these days. Can i say something again. I AM SINGLE. Dont ask me anything about BGR can? Can i be single? Single no offence de right? So please, dont ask me again. Hoping my family gathering on sunday, no one will ask me this "senistive" question again.


I havent forgot about the Singapore Flyer trip. I do believe about going up there one day.

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So after the milk product something big in the world happen again. Rumours spread that a bank in HongKong had some problems and everyone go queue up to withdraw money. And so does people in their Singapore Branch. People forsee 2009 will be a econmic crisis year again. People do you believe? I truly believe by looking at what had happen recently. I think we must hurry earn whatever can be earn this year and tighten our belts next year. Money money.

After work today, i went to Giant hypermart to buy some BBQ stuffs. I had a hard time carrying all this stuffs home. I brought too many things liao. Hahaha.. A BBQ is hard to plan but when we see the laughter from everyone, i will feel glad. Really. And in the midst of planning everyone will get alittle peck chek because of who's comming and who's not.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

China Milk Product

Recently we got to know of the news melamine in china milk products. Children drinking the milk get some sort of kidney stones in their kidney.

So actually how safe we are? Let me share with everyone something i knew from the newspaper and what i understand from it.

Basically if we do consumed in very little of melamine into our body, our body still can tolerate it. Refer to my last post and as reported in The Straits Times on 24-Sep-2008, The daily tolerable intake of melamine is calculated as per our weight x 0.63mg of melamine. So meaning if you are 70kg your body can take in 44.1mg of melamine. So is it mean the more weight (fatter) we are, the higher tolerance level we have? I do think so.

And you may wonder how come those little kids can suffer from this. This is as they drink milk powder everyday for many times. That why they suffer from. Unless we drink milk like them for everyday, otherwise i think it shouldnt be so easy for us to get it. The straits time already calculated unless we drink 815ml of Dutch lady milk everyday in our life, we will then get it.

Afew bread companies had already committed that their ingridents doesnt come from China. For bread lovers, it is safe to eat the following brand of breads - Garxxx, Sunxxx. And the breads from the following bakery, BrxTx, Prixxx, Delixxx... If possible at this point of time we tempoarily stick to these brands of breads.

Some may also wonder, news had reported this certain brand of choclates, ice-creams and whatever food had been taken of shelves but why we still seen it in Supermarket. This is because all this food doesnt origin from China. Most liely its from our neighbouring countries, that why it is still safe to eat.

Hope the above information shared will make friends out there not so scare ba. Rest assured, i do believe too, foods imported into Singapore had very strict checks. I will post even more information when i have.

Question: What are the symptoms?
Answer: Irrirability and persistent crying especially when passing urine, Pain when passing urine, Fever, Nausea, Vomitting and when urine had blood.
Question: Are adults at risk?
The risk is MUCH LOWER in adults as milk is not our major source of food. Adult kidneys can also FLUSH GREATER MELAMINE from the body.

And 5 more products found to have Melamine. (Bring to a total of 8 now)
Dutch Lady Banana Flavoured Milk
Dutch Lady Honeydew Flavoured Milk
Silang — House of Steamed Potato — Potato Cracker
Puffed Rice Rolls — Butter Corn Flavour
Puffed Rice Rolls — Cheese Flavour.

For enquiries on affected products, consumers can call AVA’s hotline at 6325 7625 on Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6pm.

For health concerns associated with the ingestion of melamine, consumers can call Ministry of Health’s hotline at 1800 225 4122.

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Was so fed-up this afternoon. I help people who destroy my plans. Seriously, i do hate that. I plan for a steamboat dinner for my family tonight. So i purposely not to eat very full during lunch and turn down everything today just to eat with them. And what i received is, at 3pm, my dad called me, saying mum say dun wanna go liao. DIAO =.=". Then after that my mum ask me what i want eat for tonight i already sian sian liao. dunno larx, anything larx. Destroy my plan.

And a bit random. My mum just asked me something
Mum: How much is it to go watch F1?
Me: eh $998.
Mum: huh?
My Sis: Then what you think. $998 is those infront seat.
Me: You want go watch is it?
Mum: Siao arx, i must well take the money go buy new refrigator.
Me: Whahaahaha... So how much you think it is.
Mum: I thot its less than $100.
Hahahaha.. My mum dont know why so intrested in F1 lorx. So funny. I dun even give a damm b'coz i am going to chalet this sunday! What F1 doesnt matter me, i in final stage of planning for my family chalet. And yes, my house will short of 1 2 people attending.

So was so bored this few day at work. Either all sort of work come in at the same time if not nothing to do at all. So sian... When i am bored i will thought of... Actually every moment, every hour i will think of you. Yea, i am thinking of money! Whahahahaa... Believe me?

And my cousin just told me something funny lor. I was planning and counting numbers for our family chalet this weekend.
Me: Wah, our family is small
She: yah lor, u go get married den will ve pple, den give birth even more
Me: hahahahaa... steady larx.... 10yrs ltr will be crowded.
So tired of planning all this stuff, really, its tired of planning. I will always get tired of planning chalets, BBQ, friends gathering. And i seriously hate the reply "see 1st lor". 我在发 rao shao.


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已你分享的快乐是我独自拥有,至今我仍记住。。。。 I am singing.. Hahhahaa... So bored now so blog about yesterday lorx.

And in regard to the China's milk problem. The chemical found in the milk product. Now then it is announced, it happen since last year and they been covering up. But i got some reassurance from our side. AVA says unless we (adults weighing 60kg) eat 47 pieces of White Rabbit Sweet daily or drink 815ml of Dutch-lady milk daily or our whole life then we are in the higher risk. Our body can tolerate a small amount of the chemical - melamine one. We can tolerate 0.63mg/kg of our body weight. Meaning people like us which is about 70kg we can tolerate about 0.63mg x 70 of melamine every day. (Refer to Straits Time report dated Wednesday, 24-Sep-2008)


Driving lesson in the morning. Was so freaking tired after driving. I am really slow lorx. The whole 2 hour lesson yesterday i only cover 1 subject! Was very very very slow. What i learnt. Shift to 2nd gear and turning. Ok larx, admit i am slow. At this speed and by looking at the lesson dates i think i CONFIRM wont be able to complete in 2008. I started with one dream but most probably i will end with a seperate dream too. But i did something great is that i started my driving lesson already.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Untitled Post


Its been a few days since i last blogged. Well, generally last week was a very tense week all across the world. Firstly on monday, the shares and the banks. Then the next day and two the insurance company make people even nervous. Then towards the end of week, milk products from China. ooh my god so many things happening. an for the insurance company, my personal view is do not be too hurry to cash out at this moment. Look at what you had loss if you cash out and i do believe they do keep seperate funds in Singapore. And my personal views is that if everyone cash out at the same time, then the problem will arise. So some cocnern friends asked me (because they know that i do sell travel insurance policies from that insurance company) whether i am in any trouble. Rest assured, i do have some back up. Although i mainly sell that but i still got some back up larx. Its only i pity them because they build up a strong name already. Next the China product. OMG lorx, come my house and you will see many of the items, Ice-Creams, Oreo, Snickers. OMG!

Its a sunday! Generally this week i didnt go out with any one. Hahaha.. Today spend time at home sleeping and at night went to eat chili crabs with my family. And the chili splash onto my shirt. Crabs crabs crabs!


I woke up today by alot of dreams. I do have alot of dreams yesterday night. Maybe its some sort of coincidence? I wondered, will dreams come true or it will always be the opposite. Hmm.. So normal work today and everything go normal (at least until now). Then my dad was suddenly full of some relationship stuffs tonight. We was walking towards home from train station. Then a lady overtake us. Then we walk until somewhere i claimed "wah she walked so fast (about 200m infront of us)". Then my dad say cant see lea, leg short short (no offence) walk so fast. Pa-tor with this kind of girl sure no fun one. Walk so fast. Hahahaha... He dammm damm funny larx! And before that he was saying 2008 olympics we at Beijing watched so 2012 is in London. then he was saying maybe by that time i already married and have children. I staright away huh? where got so fast. I even dunno will i stay single in future anot. Somemore if i really marry by 2012 and got go London and watch olympics, i will tell my dad, ps hor i go with her liao. Whahahaha..

Ok larx super long liao. Going to sleep soon. Tomrrow got lesson at 10.15am. Sian..


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Untitled Post

Just back from cycling trip not long ago. I cycle until i saw getai at my house there de temple. Was listening there.. Nah Si Wa Wu Ji Bai Ban! Huat ah! LOL..

My friend (also known as my friend boyfriend) lost 10k on Liverpool. Its draw. 0-0. Afternoon he still assured mesure win one when i say he is crazy uses 10k to win 1k (because the odds is 1.11). He say sure win one. Now.. 10k fly away. How i wish if i got 10k, i dun nid worry about my driving liao. So random. LOL.

And was chatting with my friend now and i realize something. Out of this 3years i got 2 A only. LOL. Funny sia. 1 semester people maybe can get 2 A liao, i 3 yrs liao then got 2. LOL. Nevermind, next semester i shall work hard and try to get 1 more A. Or 2 or 3 also can! LOL. I think i am "day"dreaming. Hhahahaa...


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Untitled Post

So was very tired today. And my dad told me at night that in the past when he take driving test. He took 7times then pass. Wah power! But actually cant blame larx. Last time dun nid to take lesson one. He say everytime before test he just trial drive for 1hour then test liao. Hahaha. Funny sia.


Feeling so sick today. I realize something already. How i can fall sick one. When i have insufficent sleep, i will have headache eventually fall sick. Hahaha. So i tried to have a good night rest will do. Hahaha.

And received xxx for what i had done! Woo hooo... Money come again. Hahahaha.. I wanted to give $50 to my dad for fuel cost he say dun nid he take $10 will do. Wahahaha.. More money = i can book more driving lesson. Say until driving lesson, it really cost alot sia. I see my bank figures dropping liao. And somemore that day i not enough money, i deposited money for my office one into my account to pay. Shhh! But i got return eventually.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Untitled Post

Was sooooo borreeedddd now... Hahaha.. My long time friend aka xiaomeimei had gone shopping liao. No one to craps to liao.. So fun sia every thursday she off day we will automatically chat. And she so sweet, folded 999 hearts for her boyfriend.

And so wake up so early today to go for driving lesson. Early morning read newspaper then i know i am being "sacked" from my daily job! Argh! Sian 1/2, tiok "sacked" liao, hahaha, no job to do. Sian lorx, so every morning as usual go office work liao.

And talk about driving lesson. Wa sian lorx. Manual car is the most sian one. Really sian. Firstly, i inherit the most pro driving skills from my dad. One hand on Steering Wheel. Then i kana say. After that i cant synchorize clutch with accelerator. Sian 1/2. Dunno when should be the right time to release clutch and all this and that. Then at the bend, i cant turn well. And i cant keep my vehicle proper in lane.. Ahhh! I got alot alot bad hadbits. Whahahahaa.. So next week 2nd lesson. I will learn properly and hope i can drive in future. But by looking at the way of driving, i think next time i want drive i will drive auto car. Manual one really sian. Hhahahaa..

When i passed, the first thing i will do is to find a car to drive.
I will drive you around.
I will make sure you are one of my passenger.
The You included you you you. Alot of you arx.. Meaning alot of people larx.. Hahahaa..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Nothing much to say today. I going to sleep soon. 8.15am driving lesson. Sleeping soon.
As days goes by, i think the entry will become shorter (maybe).

Received NS Medical check up letter today. Suppose to book the dates for Medical Check up. Time had reallies flies. This letter come meaning school days are going to end. I think i will definately miss the school days. I think i really got a weird character, for which level of schooling i am in, i will definate missed it when its end but will not miss it when its start. Its really weird. Or maybe its something coincidence that always happen in my last yr of that level. Coincidence? Hmm..


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Untitled Post

So yesterday once the clock strike 12, its our result day! Hahaha. Being the most kiasu one i logged in before 12am and i immediately checked my results at 12am. All i can say is i am happy towards my results and would like to thank everyone whom had helped me in a way or another along the way. Thank Everyone! So after 12am, everyone had difficulties logging in. I was checking for afew friends (on behalf) and i too suffer the difficulties of logging in. Its up to about 1.10am then can login successfully. So i waited until then, sms friends their results and i slept.

A normal day today but i think i really cant work with some kind of people. Really. Especially those people who cant see you are busy yet disturb you. Really fed-up with the people like this. Really fed-up.

And the day after tomrrow is my first driving lesson. Abit nervous. Seriously, really feel abit nervous. Well and i checked, driving lesson are full until 1st week of Oct. SSDC is really "hot".


Monday, September 15, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a monday agaain. Tired.. Suddenly i feel by sleeping but must wait till 12am for the results. This time round, i am not so afraid. Hahaha..

Nothing unusual today but i got a unusual question asked. My neighbour asked me, eh you got girlfriend anot. Then i replied No. She was shock and ask me really? LOL. Must i say yes mahz? Real funny.. hahahaa... I was thinking i should replied, you want help me matchmake also can. Whahahaa... But of coz not larx, no intention of wanting a matchmake.

I think weird lea, now singapore everyone is talking about relationship now. You see newspaper always reported on all this. Really lea, i find it weird. Everywhere in Singapore is talking about BGR now..


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Future MRT map in Singapore

I was reading Rachel blog yesterday night. And i saw something in her blog. The map of future Singapore. Being curious (because the picture posted by her is small), I hurried went to online search and i found out the following

If you want a bigger picture, CLICK HERE

So i was seeing the map, wah the future line got join Punggol to Woodlands(some source say is swambawang) and to Paris Ris. So i was thinking next time i think do not need a car liao the MRT so convience. So next time if people say go Tuas work, definately no problem. See arx, i stay Punggol, i take the North Shore Line to Woodlands, then take the North South Line to Jurong East then i change East West Line. Wah its simply too convient.

So next time, if (i got larx) girlfriend who stay in another part of Singapore also no fear liao. The MRT so convience. Ok larx let says she say in Sixth Avenue (wah rich girlfriend.. whahaha) and i still stay in Punggol, i can take North East Line to Serangoon, change to Circle Line to Botanic Garden then change the Downtown Line to Sixth avenue. Wow!

Ok larx, but all this also do come with a price. I believe, if our future line really look like this (some of this are in planning but some had already started to build) everything will be chaotic. There will definately be people who do not understand how to use one. Hahaha..

And everyone look at the Circle line (Orange Color one) One North PMS. Ooh my! Is it an LRT train call PMS at One North? Understand the term PMS hor? Weird. Really weird.

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Was a normal day at work. Close one sales in the late afternoon and off i go. Went out with our classmates and FYP friends. Walk around, talk cock, movie and home. Watched Babylorn. All i can say is the show was really a no story line one. If can claim refund, i would really go claim. After movie rush home to do something.Coz i suddenly remeber i got 2 important things to do. Do until 2+am and fall asleep.
And gotta thanks Wan Yee, Ming Ye, Evelyn, Xue Ling and Ivan for your belated birthday present too.
And Man U lost!



Happy Mooncake festival everyone!
So morning wake up, breakfast go pray my grandfather. Then back to office pray then Bugis pray. Well lots of pray today, hope i get lots of blessing too. (Cannot laugh, pray must SERIOUS)
Then went home and go cycling. And wah, i must admit that my house here open a new supermarket which sells things really cheap. Especially the drinks. Then my mum was saying so chalet, i can go there buy drinks liao. Really cheap sia. Imagine a bottle of 1.5litre green tea costs 20cts cheaper than N*** Supermarket. Chalet need at least 15bottles (for my family). Somemore many many other cheap things.
So weekend finish. few more weeks and we will get back to school. Will it be the same? Hmm..


Friday, September 12, 2008

Untitled Post

I am back for my daily update again. Freaking tired today. Thought of standing for 1hours + this morning make me even tired. This kind of side-work is totally cant do one. But the pay is satisfying larx. And i saw people quarlleling there today even. I think this kind of people is a loser larx. well dun say abt that.

And BUS AND MRT FARE IS RISING ON 01-OCT-2008. You and save 7cents or pay extra 9cents. Weird? Generally the fare is rising but the transfer rebates is also rising. That why some people might save. Want to know more? I see if i got time i read the news in detail and blog it out.

And after i came back to office, i sold another policy. Wah, money money. Hahaha.. And 5.30pm i go submit those policies to my "boss" and take my commission. Wahhahahaa..

And so fast its weekend. This week is generally busy for me, its so busy until i didnt had the time to plan my weekend. Generally my this weekend is free. Date me out ba! LOL.

End this blog with a meaningful statement i heard from television just now
"Love cannot be forced.
However, if both parties love each other,
there shouldnt be any barrier to a relationship like this"

I wanted to end but Dillys just asked me to see Raymond Nick
"fyp using thumbprint for attendance wtfff????"
Sure boh? School too rich?


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I think i shall blog everyday now. Hahaha.. So today is a tiring day. Begin the day with work. And its very long time i didnt reach there before 10am but i did that today. Reach there early so what also need to do an hour of work. Tomrrow going again. money so difficult earn one. And yea, tomrrow one got alittle bit more money take one. Whahaha.. My mind now maybe full of money liao. Really need to finance my driving lesson lea.

And so breakfast at the usual place. If i go again tomrrow then it shall be my record 3 continous day of same breakfast! Hahaha..

And now Ren Ming Bi drop to the lowest point i ever seen. 4.69 and my dad want be to sell it to him. wahhahaa.. My 1400 RMB, i huat liao. LOL. I think i sell it at alittle bit higher to my dad, i lose abit he gain abit. Afterall i got it at 4.855. Hahaha. Yea, got back my $300+. Can book afew more driving lessons liao. Whhahahaa..


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Untitled Post

Finally sold some insurance policies today. After so many weeks of zero sales record. So i am looking forward to my commission. And after payment had been cleared tomrrow i will receive my commission. I roughly calculated its about $50 there. If i everyday can sell like today, i will huat lorx. So this amount will go into my bank and to pay for my driving course.

And so tired tomrrow had to go work earlier again. But tomrrow one will be paid. Its $20 but i think i roughly estimate tomrrow will be a crowd there so i think i need more time there liao. SIAN.

And dunno why MSN seems cant work since an hour again. maybe that ask me to sleep earlier. LOL.


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So tired now. Waiting for shower room and i going to shower and sleep. Tomrrow had to wake up early to work again. My this whole week schudule is tighted. Morning confirm at Orchard.
SIAN 1/2.

So was spending about 45mins to check out where is it. But all i can find is 3 only.. Zzzz... So difficult to find! Tomrrow than search again.

And i received my mobile phone bills. Its terrible expensive! I got a shock of my life. 300+ mins of outgoing calls, exceeded and pay extra $60+! Wah this money i can eat sakura twice liao. I wondered when did i become so talaktive one. Hahahaa.. Sian, must work harder for money liao. Actually i really think money super small only. Like this $100+ gone. + Outstanding bill. OMG! Let me tiok 4D tomrrow can?


Monday, September 8, 2008

"I saw your mum at Hong Lim park"

Well, i suddenly thought of to blog this.

"Pull string" event at Hong Lim park yesterday. As mooted by PM Lee in National Day Rally Speech, Singapore had it first match-making session at Hong Lim park yesterday. lots of parents turn up. Ooh no. Are singaporeans really have so many single couples. I saw the news reporting there is alot of deperstate ways parents have. One parent even grab more than 10 different contact numbers for her child. Really my god sia! Singaporeans really have so many singles arx?

Intitally i thought Singapore is low birth rate. Now couple rate also low arx. OMG! But really larx, match making session? Now 21st century le lea still match making. I hope 10years down the road, if i am really still single, my parents wont go for all this. Ooh my god, match make. We dunno people characteristic how can we have those heart to love people sia. Its only we carefully see the other half then we will love each other ma. If we really love wrong people, who will going to "pay" for the hurt in the heart? To me, its really weird for match-making. Really its weird.

Luckily my parent never really come and ask me about relationship de thing. Hahaha. I think they can see where do i stand ba. Hahaha.. Mum, dad, dun nid worry about me. Whahahahaa..

"I saw your mum at Hong Lim park"

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First thing i went out of my house today, someone needed my help at the LRT Station. Woo, i think i really helped alot until an sms come in time. I think god had told me, stop, draw a line for that. Hmm.. Maybe. Maybe god is telling me something.

Well everything is at norm today but afternoon i receive another pay for tomrrow services. So tomrrow i shall be waking up earlier to go orchard to work. (Today never go..) I think next time i shall charge people more for making me wake up earlier. whahahaa.. So more money = more savings = more investments and of course more returns.

I always hope that input = output. But most of the time, it isnt the way. Always high input but low output.

Well, very tired le. Sleeping at this time le. $30.45

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Went out in the afternoon with Dillys, Chun Sim, Hui Xin and Yulin to celebrate my birthday. Shopping at first. And thank you to them + Shi Hui & Cat for my birthday present. Shall wear and show you all when meet up ok?

After which we went to sakura for dinner. Ok, its abit ex but its worth to eat. I think all of us eat until we bloated. What i ate, lots of Ebi, Chicken satay, prawns and crabs! Woah, its really full.

So this is the celebration by them (also known as 7 Princess).

Ended the day with still bloating and tiring. $17.95

Sunday, September 7, 2008

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Its a normal saturday without going anywhere. If you counted going out for meal with friends that counted i got go out. Hahahaa.. So met Xin Xin coincidentally and we decided to go Hougang to eat vegetrain with Dillys. So while waiting, i taught xin xin to play the scartch it. Hahaha. Paiseh arx cause you lose $1. LOL. Buy 3 scartch it but win $2 nia. LOL. Teach u bad and cause you to lose money somemore. And and i am fat now. Seriously, i think my house weighing scale break down liao. I am 71kg lorx. OMG! Must lose some weight liao. Whahahaa..

And at night something happen. I gotta be "24 hour" standby yesterday night. Answering all the calls, making all the calls. Really freaking tired lorx. This is call OT without pay also. Somemore late at night. Heng everything is settled at 1+am and i can go sleep peacefully.

$30.95 to end the day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

20 birthday wishes for my 20th Birthday

As promised, these are the 20 wishes

(1) To get my driving lience before the Chinese New Year of 2009
(2) The mindset will be changed
(3) To be happily, healthy and successfully
(4) To get my dipolma in the next half year (I do not wish to fail any module)
(5) To make at least 10k before i go into NS.
(6-20) I will update when i have more wishes.

Really, i am very simple, i do not have much wishes. all i wishes is just of daily life and money. Hahaha..

And if any of you want to know what i wishes for when i blow my birthday cake, i can tell you its one of the above. Hahahaa.. I think majority of those who wish to guess wouldnt be right one. Whahahaa..

Untitled Post

So celebrated my birthday today. As usual, work this morning. And i spend 2hours at there working this morning. Basically keep stand and stand. Haiyo. And my dd tiok another summon just because of driving me to work and wait there. My god, $70 gone again. I think is kana illegal parking but i think shall rename to illegal waiting (coz my dad is in the car).

So after work at night, gone to eat with my family members. End up Swensens because my younger sister keeps want it. No respect for my parents one, she want class place but my father feel that eat not full one. End up really, we eat not full lorx. Still buy some supper home. And we notice something, we sat at the same spot as last year, even our seating arrangement doesnt change. And i wore the same shirt as last year, so coincidence. And i tease my sister but i think your brain getting smaller every year. Wahahahaa..

So afterall, i gonna thanks all the greetings from my classmates and friends.
Classmates: Jie Hui, Hui Xin, Dillys, Jun Jie...
FYPJ Friends: Ming Ye, Wan Yee, xue Ling, Ivan, Rui Wen...
(All these are the wishes i received up to now, in order of the first from 0000hrs.)
Well, thank everyone for your wishes. As promised 20 wishes for my birthday i will put in the next post.

End of post. $27.20

Friday, September 5, 2008




Thursday, September 4, 2008

Untitled Post

In less than an hour later, i am officially hitting the 20s. I am writting some (post-dated) cheques just now and i wrote 050908 in the date. Then i was thinking, i am born in 050988, so fast 20years already. Actually what acheivement i got in this 20 years? I doubt any big acheievment. Nevermind, i will chiong for more acheievement in the future.

So you may ask how am i celebrating tomrrow. Tomrrow is with my family members. My younger sister had already said she want to eat Swensens tomrrow. As usual, my treat. Then my dad tonight was saying can we eat zhi char with chili crabs. Because he said Swensens we one family need $70, we must well go eat zhi char (and maybe pay alittle bit more). Well, if can, i like to have both. Zhi Char i love to eat but then Swensens i also love to eat. Its just a birthday meal, it isnt weird to eat zhi char (that what i tink).

Well, my birthday eve today. Intially wanted to celebrate with my secondary school friend but then, haiya.. Forget it! So today as usual morning at Orchard work then back to office. Oooh my god, i am stuck there today. Near to 2 hours there. Sian. And i see my schudule for next week liao, from monday to friday i had to be there everyday. Sian sia, i must crawl out of bed earlier.

Next next is the latest news from my friend. Wah liao, i should extend my attachment lorx. My friend extend then now waiting for approval to convert to part time. If it is approved then Part time. Pay $9.50. One month about $1.6k. Wah lan regretted never extend if not i got the hope of high pay. Somemore got xxxx there! Nevermind, self consolation, at least i work here better. I can decide on alot of things. LOL. Got some power.

Ok, end going to bath and wait for 12am. I will log off MSN soon. $15.70

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Untitled Post

I know no one will want to post here already. So i think this is my space liao. I think more than half of the entries are now mine. Ok, i use this space to vent out and share happiness.

Few more days to my birthday and yet all bombs are dropped on me now. Why? I think my 20th birthday will be a dull day, i do believe. No joy to celebrate. Actually i am at a loss now, maybe i need lights again to bright up my path. Haiz, all i can blame is myself. Well, leave the unhappiness behind and "let's move on".

Gotta know that tomorrow and the day of tomrrow i need to go orchard and work in the morning. Wah liao, like this = continous three days i crawl out of my bed early liao. So early go work also got OT till so late. If all this had extra benefits i huat liao lorx. hahaha.

So so so... I think i gonna sleep. Early work = early wake up. 85cts~

Untitled Post

So i had a meaningful tuesday. I woke up late so i can go visit my "jie". After which i went to office then busy all the way to night. My schudule included a sales cum coffee talk at 2pm and an insurance talk at 3pm. Listening to people explaining their stuffs. Ooh my god, its so hard being a sales now.
And so nothing big happen today. Unlike yesterday so fun of disturbing people. I think now they very du lan with us liao and people around us had a new circular today - trash till mad. LOL. I think i am not particpating in those kind of "war". No fun one. whahaha.
And got my another pay"Cash"

Suddenly, i got the urge to know everything. Really, i tried to find out but to no avaliable. So tired now so go and have a rest. I will check those tomrrow or when i have the time.

And my 20 wishes will be up soon. Whahaa. So ended today with $7.85. I saved myself back again. Wah lan, $100 also havent reach how to go 3k. Really failure. Cant earn big this holiday!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Untitled Post

In the afternoon went to book chalet (for my extended family). Waited about 45minutes to book because i clash up with those checking-in. Tired of queuing but no choice had to queue. Family chalet - my namelist defiantely short of one person. Afterwhich wanting to meet up with CS they all to Comex fair. But they at airshow so i go Bugis first then back to office. At about 6.45pm then we go into Comex Fair. Well it wasnt as squeezy as i thought. and what had i brought? SD Card for camera, Micro SD Card for my mobile phone and a keyboard for my laptop. Hahaha.. Now my laptop is just like a desktop like. External Mouse, external keyboard. I think i need more USB ports. Hahaha.. New keyboard good lea, when i blog or msn i can hit as hard as i can. Dont need afraid spoilt liao. Hahaha..

And i cleared my whole room at night. My past idol and what i had done in the past just went into the tharsh. Its really a waste of money to go after idol. Seriously, waste $$. Now you ask me who is my idol i will replied no one. Maybe money (if it is counted) hahaha.

And i went back to negative again. -$15.65

Ooh, my god its september now. And few more days before i hit the 20s. I wonder what had i acheieve in this year (from 19 to 20). I find that nothing much, seriously no big achievement. and i forgotten to post the 20 wishes that is being requested. I will do it soon. Hahaha.

So today complete the task. Pay is comming in again. And before completiton, the task need to be ammended again. Ammended again = new pay for that. Woo hoo.. This task dunno let me earn how much le. SO HAPPY... hahaha..

And now my cousin is talking to me about BBQ. So end here. Bye and Nite everyone.

And lower it go again today. - $29.15. Siao liao lar. NO MONEY!