Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Untitled Post

So i had a meaningful tuesday. I woke up late so i can go visit my "jie". After which i went to office then busy all the way to night. My schudule included a sales cum coffee talk at 2pm and an insurance talk at 3pm. Listening to people explaining their stuffs. Ooh my god, its so hard being a sales now.
And so nothing big happen today. Unlike yesterday so fun of disturbing people. I think now they very du lan with us liao and people around us had a new circular today - trash till mad. LOL. I think i am not particpating in those kind of "war". No fun one. whahaha.
And got my another pay"Cash"

Suddenly, i got the urge to know everything. Really, i tried to find out but to no avaliable. So tired now so go and have a rest. I will check those tomrrow or when i have the time.

And my 20 wishes will be up soon. Whahaa. So ended today with $7.85. I saved myself back again. Wah lan, $100 also havent reach how to go 3k. Really failure. Cant earn big this holiday!

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