Monday, September 8, 2008

Untitled Post

First thing i went out of my house today, someone needed my help at the LRT Station. Woo, i think i really helped alot until an sms come in time. I think god had told me, stop, draw a line for that. Hmm.. Maybe. Maybe god is telling me something.

Well everything is at norm today but afternoon i receive another pay for tomrrow services. So tomrrow i shall be waking up earlier to go orchard to work. (Today never go..) I think next time i shall charge people more for making me wake up earlier. whahahaa.. So more money = more savings = more investments and of course more returns.

I always hope that input = output. But most of the time, it isnt the way. Always high input but low output.

Well, very tired le. Sleeping at this time le. $30.45

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