Thursday, September 4, 2008

Untitled Post

In less than an hour later, i am officially hitting the 20s. I am writting some (post-dated) cheques just now and i wrote 050908 in the date. Then i was thinking, i am born in 050988, so fast 20years already. Actually what acheivement i got in this 20 years? I doubt any big acheievment. Nevermind, i will chiong for more acheievement in the future.

So you may ask how am i celebrating tomrrow. Tomrrow is with my family members. My younger sister had already said she want to eat Swensens tomrrow. As usual, my treat. Then my dad tonight was saying can we eat zhi char with chili crabs. Because he said Swensens we one family need $70, we must well go eat zhi char (and maybe pay alittle bit more). Well, if can, i like to have both. Zhi Char i love to eat but then Swensens i also love to eat. Its just a birthday meal, it isnt weird to eat zhi char (that what i tink).

Well, my birthday eve today. Intially wanted to celebrate with my secondary school friend but then, haiya.. Forget it! So today as usual morning at Orchard work then back to office. Oooh my god, i am stuck there today. Near to 2 hours there. Sian. And i see my schudule for next week liao, from monday to friday i had to be there everyday. Sian sia, i must crawl out of bed earlier.

Next next is the latest news from my friend. Wah liao, i should extend my attachment lorx. My friend extend then now waiting for approval to convert to part time. If it is approved then Part time. Pay $9.50. One month about $1.6k. Wah lan regretted never extend if not i got the hope of high pay. Somemore got xxxx there! Nevermind, self consolation, at least i work here better. I can decide on alot of things. LOL. Got some power.

Ok, end going to bath and wait for 12am. I will log off MSN soon. $15.70

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