Monday, September 22, 2008

Untitled Post


Its been a few days since i last blogged. Well, generally last week was a very tense week all across the world. Firstly on monday, the shares and the banks. Then the next day and two the insurance company make people even nervous. Then towards the end of week, milk products from China. ooh my god so many things happening. an for the insurance company, my personal view is do not be too hurry to cash out at this moment. Look at what you had loss if you cash out and i do believe they do keep seperate funds in Singapore. And my personal views is that if everyone cash out at the same time, then the problem will arise. So some cocnern friends asked me (because they know that i do sell travel insurance policies from that insurance company) whether i am in any trouble. Rest assured, i do have some back up. Although i mainly sell that but i still got some back up larx. Its only i pity them because they build up a strong name already. Next the China product. OMG lorx, come my house and you will see many of the items, Ice-Creams, Oreo, Snickers. OMG!

Its a sunday! Generally this week i didnt go out with any one. Hahaha.. Today spend time at home sleeping and at night went to eat chili crabs with my family. And the chili splash onto my shirt. Crabs crabs crabs!


I woke up today by alot of dreams. I do have alot of dreams yesterday night. Maybe its some sort of coincidence? I wondered, will dreams come true or it will always be the opposite. Hmm.. So normal work today and everything go normal (at least until now). Then my dad was suddenly full of some relationship stuffs tonight. We was walking towards home from train station. Then a lady overtake us. Then we walk until somewhere i claimed "wah she walked so fast (about 200m infront of us)". Then my dad say cant see lea, leg short short (no offence) walk so fast. Pa-tor with this kind of girl sure no fun one. Walk so fast. Hahahaha... He dammm damm funny larx! And before that he was saying 2008 olympics we at Beijing watched so 2012 is in London. then he was saying maybe by that time i already married and have children. I staright away huh? where got so fast. I even dunno will i stay single in future anot. Somemore if i really marry by 2012 and got go London and watch olympics, i will tell my dad, ps hor i go with her liao. Whahahaha..

Ok larx super long liao. Going to sleep soon. Tomrrow got lesson at 10.15am. Sian..


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