Saturday, September 6, 2008

Untitled Post

So celebrated my birthday today. As usual, work this morning. And i spend 2hours at there working this morning. Basically keep stand and stand. Haiyo. And my dd tiok another summon just because of driving me to work and wait there. My god, $70 gone again. I think is kana illegal parking but i think shall rename to illegal waiting (coz my dad is in the car).

So after work at night, gone to eat with my family members. End up Swensens because my younger sister keeps want it. No respect for my parents one, she want class place but my father feel that eat not full one. End up really, we eat not full lorx. Still buy some supper home. And we notice something, we sat at the same spot as last year, even our seating arrangement doesnt change. And i wore the same shirt as last year, so coincidence. And i tease my sister but i think your brain getting smaller every year. Wahahahaa..

So afterall, i gonna thanks all the greetings from my classmates and friends.
Classmates: Jie Hui, Hui Xin, Dillys, Jun Jie...
FYPJ Friends: Ming Ye, Wan Yee, xue Ling, Ivan, Rui Wen...
(All these are the wishes i received up to now, in order of the first from 0000hrs.)
Well, thank everyone for your wishes. As promised 20 wishes for my birthday i will put in the next post.

End of post. $27.20

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