Monday, September 1, 2008

Untitled Post

In the afternoon went to book chalet (for my extended family). Waited about 45minutes to book because i clash up with those checking-in. Tired of queuing but no choice had to queue. Family chalet - my namelist defiantely short of one person. Afterwhich wanting to meet up with CS they all to Comex fair. But they at airshow so i go Bugis first then back to office. At about 6.45pm then we go into Comex Fair. Well it wasnt as squeezy as i thought. and what had i brought? SD Card for camera, Micro SD Card for my mobile phone and a keyboard for my laptop. Hahaha.. Now my laptop is just like a desktop like. External Mouse, external keyboard. I think i need more USB ports. Hahaha.. New keyboard good lea, when i blog or msn i can hit as hard as i can. Dont need afraid spoilt liao. Hahaha..

And i cleared my whole room at night. My past idol and what i had done in the past just went into the tharsh. Its really a waste of money to go after idol. Seriously, waste $$. Now you ask me who is my idol i will replied no one. Maybe money (if it is counted) hahaha.

And i went back to negative again. -$15.65

Ooh, my god its september now. And few more days before i hit the 20s. I wonder what had i acheieve in this year (from 19 to 20). I find that nothing much, seriously no big achievement. and i forgotten to post the 20 wishes that is being requested. I will do it soon. Hahaha.

So today complete the task. Pay is comming in again. And before completiton, the task need to be ammended again. Ammended again = new pay for that. Woo hoo.. This task dunno let me earn how much le. SO HAPPY... hahaha..

And now my cousin is talking to me about BBQ. So end here. Bye and Nite everyone.

And lower it go again today. - $29.15. Siao liao lar. NO MONEY!

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