Thursday, December 31, 2009

Summary of 2009 and 2010 Resoultion

Well, another about 22.5 hours more to 2010. (I am typing this at 1.30am on 31-Dec-09 BUT this post will be posted only when the clock strike 0000Hrs)

Let me start by summarize 2009.
2009 indeed is another year of up and down for me. However, i do feel that 2009 is some way better than 2008.

Summarize of my life in every quarter of the year
In the first quarter, it is as usual the final lap of study as well as examination. We end our examination somewhere in the end of Feb 2009. After which i continue to work.

Second quarter of the year is somewhere when work come in and i know the news of my NS enlistment. Well, when i first see the date of my enlistment i was feeling very down. Truly very down. The date of my enlistment cause me to miss 3 important thing in 2009. Well, what to say? After which is also the graduation ceremony.

Third quarter of the year is where NS starts for me. Well, i think i dont need to mention much here, everyone will know the life inside.

Fourth quarter of the year is where i posted to my new unit. Well, i think i also dont wish to mention much here. This is also the period where i start investing in shares. My first investment netted me $300+ in 2 weeks. And somewhere in the start of Dec, a sad news came in. My beloved grandmother had passed away. Well, i thanks all for the condolences messages, helps and supports towards me in that period.

Except the last month of 2009, 2009 is such a wonderful year to me as compared to 2008. However, human are greedy, they always wishes for the best. I was hopibng for the best in the comming year.

Next is the resoultion for 2009
1. To pass by driving test by June 2009.
2. Back to money again, hoping to have at least 3k in my bank account before i enter NS
3. Unfilled resolution (will fill once i thought of it) Hehehe
Results of the resoultion
1. I never achieve it BUT i am happy that i passed on 11-Sep-2009.
2. I never achieve it too.
3. I never had a 3rd resoultion up till today.
Well, all i can say is the resoultion that i made is such a failure. Maybe i shall be more realistic in this year resoultion. Aim for what i can and not have such a big dream.

And next is my RESOULTION FOR 2010 (As usual 3 resoultion will do)
1. As usual, money come in mind first. To have at least 5k savings by the end of 2010. 5k savings include Cash at hand, Cash in bank, debtors and all current assets.
2. I never want to put something about relationship into resoultion all this while BUT 2010 shall be a different one. I hope to win the heart of my girl by the end of 2010 failure to do so, i will make another plan. I really just wish i can do it.
3. To save 50k (or if not possible half of it) by the end of 2010. This is to make sure that i can acheive my dream of owning a personal car.

In about 22 hours later we will bid good bye to 2009. 2009, a meaningful year to me. All i hope is that 2010 will even be more meaningful year to me. All the good things that happen in 2009, please happen again and again. All the bad things that happen in 2009, please dont come again. That what i wish.

HELLO 2010

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Untitled Post

Last weekend of 2009. Come Thursday we will bid good bye to 2009. And here come 2010. Well, i simply just love it. May time flies as fast as possible till 2011 June. I think everyone knows what i mean.

This few days i am enjoying myself. Well, Its a season and holiday where i shall enjoy. I just need to book in tonight and book out tomrrow and that end my camp life for 2009.

I shall blog about 2009 the next few days and here end my post.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Untitled Post

Firstly, i would like to thanks everyone for their helps, supports and condolences message during the last week. Its sad to hear the news that my beloved grandmother had pass away. Me too, had been in an emotional mood whenever i thought of her, and up till today. I think sooner or later i might get diagnosed with depression. I just simply cannot take it that she had left us.

Well, forget about that, let's move on. I never realize that this is the last weekend before christmas and yet i didnt brought much presents. Those who gave me, i really wanted to say a very big thanks if i didnt prepare a present for you. I guess when i booked out on Christmas Eve, i shall go do a last minute shopping if time and money is permitted.

And its 11 more days to the end of 2009. Every year till this time, people are preparing their resoultion. This year, i think i really had no time to think of resoultion. Maybe i shall do it during my leave period.

I am counting down. 4 more days to christmas and then i am on leave all the way till 3-Jan-2010. I will only return to "work" for 12 hours on 28-Dec. Anyone who had free time, please jio me out and dont let me think too much. If not i will really get depression one day. I will think that much only when i had nothing to do.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Untitled Post

Its sunday again! I hate sunday and i love friday. I guess this is going to be my tagline till June 2011. Hhahaa... I waiting for my leave to come and i can have more resting time. Rest time is always insufficient in weekday. No matter how early i slept, next day will just be tired.

Well, i feel that the past few weeks had been a enjoyable weeks for me. Everything goes well. I got a profit of about $300+ for my first investment. Woo hoo! Dont ask me to treat because the money i earn is for the next investment. Well, i believe in investing now. I share make my own money to work harder for me and i SHALL NOT invest in those stupid shit of things. Those thing that when you pull out you suffer the loss of heartache.

2009 is comming to an end soon, very soon. Its about 20+ days more and we will bid good bye to 2009. Well, i thinking of my resoultion for 2010 already. I slowly began to see some lights in front of me. I know what i am going to do next now. I chuck unimportant and maybe hinderance stuff aside. The future is mine and i am going inside it.

I will end my post here today and will update probably next week.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Untitled Post

Tadah, i am blogging on weekday afternoon. 'Coz i am having MC. My MC ends today but i need to return to camp by 10pm tonight. Actually i find it very weird larx. If MC states till the date shouldnt you report next morning coz anytime before 2359 of that date you are still on MC mahz.. Well, dont care.

Basically, i am having fever and sore thoart. And yesterday i went to see doctor again they told me i have infection in the breathing part. Good game larx, breathing can have infection too. I wonder how. LOL.

This week, work 2 days get 5days pay. SUPER SONG! lalalaa...

5 countries, 48 cities, 86 retail properties, 2780 employees, 2.68 billion people, ONE unique integrated shopping business, Guess whose advertisement is this? My first investment on shares is on this company. Hopefully, i get the returns i want. I think for the next few months i will save most of my money. I wont spend unneccsarry, Less ride on cabs, less on dinning out....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Untitled Post

An update before i book in.

Well, 2 consective weeks never run, 4 consective friday do nothing. My body is getting more nua (i supposed) and i am getting more fatter. Although, i slim down in the past but i feel that i am growing fatter again.

I am feeling or in fact is sick right now. I think is the continous days of insufficient sleep. I am having fever, sore thoart, whole body ache, running nose. I decided that if i am still feeling like this tomrrow, i would go for doctor. Hopefully give me afew days of MC so i can have a proper rest on my cosy bed.

Update something on this weekend, met up with cat, yulin, dillys and hui xin. Lunch with them and K with them at night (without cat). It's a pity chun sim cant join us due to his late book-out. Well, in actual fact we are in fact low pay workers that doesnt even know when we are going for our weekend rest.

Ok, finish updating. Hopefully this friday is so relaxing again so i can clock 6 consective fridays that zhuo bo lan. Hahaha... Coz next friday is Public Holiday! WOO HOO!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Untitled Post

Do a quick update here before dusts are found. Hahaha... Well, this few weeks had been generally a relaxing week for me. For the consective 3 weeks my friday had been a short one. No work on friday due to all sort of celebration. This week also a short one for me. Tuesday wednesday and thursday only. But this upcomming week, back to normal liao. Hahaha..

For the first time after i passed my tp, i began driving. Hmm, i realized i dunno how to park very well.. I need to move in and out at least for 5mins before i parked it straight. Imagine me jamming up behind cars at busy place. Hahaha.. I think i must drive more often.

And i think this few weeks i keep thinking about my future. I guess i know how i want it to be liao. I guess, this will be the final. A decision with no obstruction (i hope).

Well, going to book in liao. Hope this 2 years faster passes then i go do what i want in future.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Untitled Post

This is a relatively short working week if i work till friday. Count tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Wahahahaha... Hope time faster flies..

I am very tired now. I am complaining of tired and tired. Its just more and more tired.

Ok larx, ending with just like this.. Dinner then book in.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Untitled Post

I am very tired, damm tired now. I think my life become much plain-er these few weeks. The same routine things i had to do. I decide alot and i think i will just stick to my old plan. I just want to get out and do some 8-5 stuffs. Then i can study at night. I think i am old already.
** End of my ranting **

I got my licence to drive a tank but do anyone think this is a good licence? I dont think so lorx i think my Class 3 licence is 657392746493t616138389 times more better than my tank licence. At least i can buy a car and drive a car if i had money but even i had hell lots of money can i buy a tank in Singapore and drive a tank down Orchard Road? Or maybe more romantical way, can i pick my future wife up in tank when we marry in future? hahahaa...

And i received my freaking pay liao. Still the same as the past. Do so many shit still the pay. KNS. Like this de pay how am i going to survive. How am i going to do my new investment. Freaking shitty...

Everytime when i am sitting there doing nothing, i will think of it. Sometimes i wonder am i wrong once again. I hope i dont regret what i choose but ..... Can time flies or even reversed (if can).

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Untitled Post

Its like about 2 weeks since i lasted posted.

Recently, i find my life too suxs... This remaining 1 yr 9 months (or should i say left with 1 yr 8 months and 2 weeks) is a long journey, super long. I never realize time passes so slowly this week.

And again, i am down with fever and sore thoart. My whole body is feeling very aching now. And i just measured my temperature - 38.4. I am so tired now. And my the bone at my armpit there is aching for 6 weeks already. I seen two doctors and both keep say is muscle ache. 6 weeks of muscle ache? How can it be? Why cant doctor refer me to specialist for a scan.

This week, i again feel myself is old already. NS end on 2011 June (which is when i am 23 years old) then if i want to study again, i cant imagine how old am i when i start working. I think i need some future planning but its very difficult to plan. I cant see any good years ahead. My destination is unknown. All i know now is waiting for days to past (and hopefully as fast as possible).

Ending here, i need to book in tonight with high temeprature again.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Untitled Post

So fast its September. This month my birthday follow by POP follow by posting.

Well, nothing much to add on, just post an entry here...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Untitled Post

See me posting at this time weird right? I think alot friends had already know that i am having one week MC due to SLIGHTLY high fever. And now i had sore thoart. Sign of H1N1? Choi! Hahahaa..

One week MC and i gonna miss alot of things. I cant go out on weekend (its by order). I been at my home since Monday morning. I told my mum yesterday that i got few days never take lift liao. Hahahaa...

I am very happy now because next week its week 10. 2 weeks + 3 days more to POP! Yea! Hahahaa... End of this xxxx. earlier is the best.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Untitled Post


I realize i had not post for long. (I think super long right?)

This few weeks is super hectic. Every week come home, go out with friends, sleep.. All done in a very short time.

Today had to go again at 4pm. Public holiday and i need to return. What kind of logic is this? Dont ask me, i also don't know.

Ok larx, end my post liao. My birthday is comming... Woo Hoo!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Untitled Post

Its been since about a month since i last blogged. Life had changed. I am now a person who will get tired by 10pm. Even on my weekend. So tired over the past 3 weeks. Life changed but its not changed for the good. I getting tired everyday. Its more and more tired everyday. Complaining here but i think in the end it is also worth it one.

I make a new dream now. The old one are abolished.

End of story and i am looking forward to my 21st birthday and 9-Sep-2009. (Although there is still 2 months away)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Untitled Post

Last 2 weekends i have. Its kind of sad when today i had no events. I left only 2 weekends but then no one wanted to go out today. What a day! Never mind, i shall find my own happiness later. Time is moving really fast this week and i think next week time will flies even fast. So let it be the following and following week be fast. Let it fly, fly using the speed of an airplane.

Actually, i had nothing to blog. All i wished now is either K or movie. That all. You may say its kind of wasting money to go out but don't forget the happiness friends found among themselves when they go out is valueless.

Ending this short post with "The one year is soon to be arrived" During this year, i learn alot of stuffs. Up and down in the year but nevertheless this one year give me alot of valuable lessons that aren't found in our own academic. (What am i ranting at? If you do not know anything, i would appericate that you dont comment on it)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Untitled Post

Weeks never posted.. And this is how time REALLY FLIES.. Just to post an entry here before people thinking me i had dead or i have no chance to post here again.

Well, graduation is fast. 2 Days later. Just thinking the days of orientation, our first year, our second year, FYPJ, IPP and last semester of studies and then there we graduated. (I hope the next two years time can flies as fast as you can)

Before entering NS, i already make a count on my calender. POP date is somewhere around 911. The one week break and i know i be flying. I am promised of flying and JB-ing. (My own new word JB-ing) Really i hope this 3 months end fast. No worries i am going to be old by then but i want it FAST. lol... I really love to fly. And not to mention my birthday before that... Hahahaa... Say 3months before it, isnt it too early? LOL... Just pray that i be comming out peacefully. If i am dead inside then all i can wish is everyone dont cry in my funeral. Whahahahahaahaa....

Well, end this post telling everyone i got THREE 03 more weekends and i am going to be disconnected with everyone..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Untitled Post

Wishes every mother in the earth a

Well, this week had gone really fast. Can time slows down for me? I really hope time can slows down or even be reversed. I be wishing mother's day here but i know father's day isn't the same for me. I wont be typing Happy Father's Day on time here. Seriously, i now counting the dates i feel very very very depressed. My first year tantamount to my first week is inside. Alright, i always thought of something good whenever i am depressed. The something good is - My birthday! Hahaha... Actually, from now what i am looking forward to is my birthday. Seriously! There is nothing on earth i am looking forward to right now.

Well, as i mentioned earlier, this week really passed very fast. Out of 5 days work week, i only busy on 2 days. OMG! The horror of Swine Flu is part of what is causing me to be so free.

And another dinning place (sort of near my house) was founded. Lots of good food there. Hahaha.. Tried the westrn food, not bad. Dont ask me where is it cause i only know how to go there. And is by car.

End this post with a short advertisement.
Its alright (with exceptional of H1N1 infected country) to go out of Singapore at this moment. You just had to remember to wash your hand with soap (that applies if you are in sg too) regularly. I would encourage everyone to buy Travel Insurance now if you are going out of Singapore. There are many coverages and benefits in Travel Insurance.
To buy Travel Insurance, LOOK FOR ME..
xxx--- End of Advertisement ---xxx WAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Untitled Post

Its a Sunday! I counting to see how many weekends i have still. Why would i spend my this weekend at home playing RC in facebook? And trade something with an idiot still need kana scolding. You think who are you? Moron! Idiot! See before you scold. I wonder how can you work in future? Totally BIG failure.

Was thinking to go Gain City to see camera but lazy to go liao. Go cycling better. Nothing to blog seriously. But just put a post if not people might think i am dead.

Just heard something very funny. "People paid a great money to stay there but you can stay for free." Hahahahaha... Dont need to elaborate much about this statment. But is very fun.

I wanted to walk staright all along but was pulled back eventually. People out there told me, once a committment is done, dont give up halfway.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Untitled Post

Its been 2 weeks since i last posted. Mood hadn't been too good since the failure. I think in my life, i had failed in many aspects, seriously. 15-April-2009, i thought i would pass my driving test at the first attempt. And and but but.. Well, but that day i enjoyed myself really much when i know i failed halfway through. I did many stunning acts like nearly cause an accident with a cab. Well, fail le ma, jiu play as what i like. Out of so many good wishes, maybe there is one bad wishes which cover all the good wishes. Well, no blame to anyone.

Next, my NS Enlistment is on 15-June-2009. Well, when i first see the date, you can imagine how sad i am. Next, i proceed to use calender to count, my birthday is still within the BMT period. Well, heng is a Saturday. I also dunno how i want to celebrate.

Why it must always be me suffering? Consective twice and its the same way. I promised myself not to get into the same way but what happen. I decided how i want it to be already. Let's neglect everything and walk straight because the lights are still bright infront.

Ok, end the post with
Happy 21st Birthday

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Untitled Post

Nothing to voice out this few days. Perhaps, i am quieter now? Hahahaa...

And here to do an advertisement for Cat
Her own Blog Shop.

The day is coming soon. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow tomorrow. Well, nervous is what everyone will have one. But i hope to pass at first taking.

Show everyone what i am playing now. LOL.
Facebook - Restaurant City
(Level and money covered up - in case people accused me of hao-lian)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Untitled Post

Let me start some officially countdown. 10 more days (excluding today).
I always see the date 15April2009 i have some deep thoughts inside the mind. My dad, too, will disturbed me events that happen on that day. Setting up a tent at East Coast Park from that day onwards require a license. Its also the closing date for filling of income taxes. Hahahaa.. And its also my TP date larx of course. Duh! While, i hope to pass but seriously i dunno what will happen on that day. Hope i can pass lorx.

Next, caught a movie yesterday. Shinjuku Incident. Wah damm damm eerie. Bloodly incident. No wonder its classified as NC16. And i think i do not need to mention who go ba. Most importantly watched at Iluma. I love the seats, its so spacious.

And after that i online at night, "WE" saw a joke of the day. Hahahaha.. Its damm super funny! JOKE OF THE DAY... So hao-lian for what, i wondered.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Untitled Post


Next, this few day is very busy. Busy at work. But at the same time very lazy to do things. Hahaha..

And yesterday while working at Airport (Doing some work related things) at about 2am, i realized something. I found a place we can go during midnight if we cant sleep. Airport! Terminal 3 Xin Huang Cafe or Coffee Bean, midnight there is really very quiet.

I got nothing to post actually. Just post some "shits" here to let people know i am still alive. Hahahahaa...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Untitled Post

Well, this few days was alright for me. And i feel alittle down last night. If i scolded anyone, i am sorry. Yesterday just was a bad day for me. Afternoon i email out to request for some helps and guess what the other party reply me?
"I regret to inform you that i am unable to help you due to the regulation...."
so i got so fed-up with that idiot. And in the end i sought help from someone else and make me feel like replying that idiot with this
"I am pleased to inform you that i had sought help and we no longer need your help anymore. In future, please do not email me and i wouldnt want to email you too."

And caught a movie with JH JJ and Yulin the day before. KILL... Whahahahaa... A funny and vuglar show larx.. LOL.. But not suitable for woman to watch lea, abit vuglar..

Well, nothing more to add on. I am tired, sleeping soon..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Untitled Post

Its a weekend again. Days passed, weeks passed, months passed. Its been one month + since we had our last paper. All i can say is times flies.

I got nothing much to post because nothing to share with everyone. I think i will have some busy weeks ahead probably till the mid of April. Busy for work and i shall not elaborate here because i am not trying to show off what i am working.

Lastly a random sentence. I ever heard an advertisement tag line
"Good things always come in a pair"
True or not? I don't have the answer to it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Untitled Post

I am so fed-up now! Some idiotic web designer can put the word "Web Maintainence" at a corner where no one sees. I rather they dont announce. I stupid stupid go try to send in thrice then i saw the word web maintainence. No wonder i keep having error. STUPID. Waste my 2 hours. Luckily radio now played a smoothing song to my ear "My love will bring you home". I am singing to it,
If you found yourself lost and all alone, get back to your feet and think of me, My love will get you home

Next result out yesterday morning. The smartest person doesnt check his result at 12am but instead went to bed. Hahaha.. This year everyone is being cheated. The result is released at OFFICIAL TIME 8AM. Hahaha.. Well, wasnt too satisfied with my result although i got one A. The modules i expected to do well end up so bad. Well, what can i say?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Untitled Post

So well, countdown starts - 1 month time.
Have or not is one month later.

If you people still do not know what i am referring to, i am referring to my TP test. 15-Apr-2009 1100am. If you had no business to be near the roads of AMK, please shoo off. Hahaha...

So my dad gave me a very big encouragement.
He told me 11.00am test
12.00noon return to driving centre
1.00pm Settle everything
2.00pm To go lend my uncle car
3.00pm Go fetch my aunt
4.00pm at Airport.
My dad is a big planner for me but this is also what he encourage me. To pass at first taking.

Honestly speaking, i am scared. I scared mount kerb, i scared vertical parking, horizontal parking. Alot of scared... LOL.. Pray that i can do everything in a very proper way at that day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Untitled Post

I think its been afew days since i last blogged. Well, alittle busy this week. And four weeks had passed. Remembered four weeks ago we had just finished our last papers. Its really time is flying without us noticing.

I got nothing much to say but this post is dedicated to a birthday girl


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Untitled Post

I just cannot understand why i am so tired this few days. Me everyday sleep 8 hours and i am so tired everyday. Weird.
Next, yesterday went for Revision driving lesson. 2 weeks never drive alot of thing can get very mess up lorx. Parallel parking very bu shun. Then i dunno why last time my directional change i can do very nicely, yesterday i do its not straight at all. Then i ask my instruction he say directional change if not straight also never mind because its call Directional Change. Really mahz? I dunno.
And i like got those mindset of buying every household things at JB. Hahahaa.. Just now i follow my mum go supermarket she want buy washing detergent i told her, aiya i go JB then buy for you. Whahahahaa... Super duper funny mindset i have.

Another poem i thought of:
You are just like the "hum" in my bowl of Laksa.
You complement with my bowl of Laksa.
Without you, it doesnt taste like Laksa.
Without you, i doesnt even crave for Laksa.
So just to let you know, you only fit into my bowl of Laksa.
and of course not mee siam



Ok, i advertise here liao. So the charges is $1 per day. Whahahahaahaha... Who want me advertise for them, please call me. whahahaa...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Untitled Post

Woo.. Its been afew days since i last posted. Was thinking to do my private task to earn money tonight but my "boss" ask me to KIV first.
And was so happy today. I am going to receive my first pay cheque for work after graduation. Woo hoo.. I will try my best to save all this money.
Actually i got nothing to post but just post a entry if not people think i am date.
And yesterday was thinking should i go Hong Kong on the 8-10 with my god-mum. But end up aiya dun wan larx now no money also. So Poor.

End up with another sentence.

Dear, you are just like the power in my house.
Without you, i cannot watch television program.
Without you, i cannot surf the net.
Without you, i cannot do my daily necessity.
Without you, i felt powerless.
In short, i cannot do without you as you power up my life.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Untitled Post

Its weekend again. Two weeks since the holiday break. OMG! Thinking of NS comming up, it make me feels like..... I had a mixed feelings, really.
Well, enjoy to the fullest when i can. Anyone want to meet me up? Just advance let me know will do. Hahahahaa...
So i just came up from my JB trip (One night Only) on wednesday. Too bad this time round i never buy anything for anyone. Hahahaha... And seriously to say JB KFC is better than Singapore one. Serious. The chicken meat is more tender. But a consolation for Singapore, the whipped potato here still taste better. Hahaha.. But Pizza Hut there is really no better than Singapore one. Hahaha..
I am feeling sick. Whole body is so tired.
Before i end off, i am inspired by my last post. See what i had written.

Dear, you are just like the Cashcard in my vehicle IU Unit.
Without you, i cant drive freely.
Without you, i might be fined by the xxx.
Without you, i cant go shopping.
Without you, i cannot enter most of the carpark in shopping centres.
In short, Dear, i cant do without you in my car.
I love you.

Cute boh? Hahahaa...

Valentine's Day Message

Happy Valentine's Day. To me, you are like the charger to my Samsung Omnia mobile phone. We were made for each other. Other chargers i have tried, but none was compatible with me.

Nokia, even other chargers for other Samsung phones, just didn't fit. They didn't have the thin flat material bit with the four holes. Only you do, without you, i feel powerless.

This Valentine's Day message is superb right? Hahaha... Is it from me? Well, i think everyone know my english isnt that powerful. Its an extract of an article i read from Straits Times - 21 Feb 2009. I wanted to post but keep having no time. Well, the author use the same mobile phone with me - Samsung Omnia. Hahahaa...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Untitled Post

I want to scream out like. A stupid system is a stupid one. Even they upgrade also a stupid one. But the money that i earned is really great. $100 for two tasks. I completed the first one successfully within 20minutes. BUT I mixed up with wrong papers on my desk thus i type wrongly. To correct 3 alphabets i need to pay $30. What a shitty it is. Next task i took 1hour+ still havent send in. Kanasai. I am going to bath after ranting and back to work again. And not forgetting i gotta wake up at 830am and leave home by 930am to work. WAH PIANG. I am tired liao.

So past few days was a great day for me. Only yesterday the rain caused me no chance to go cycling. And i have a free pair of movie tickets for tomrrow movie. Who wanna have it? Hahahaa..

And i leaving to JB for my shopping trip on wednesday night again. I think after this is about one month again before i go again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Untitled Post

i suddenly had the urge to blog now. Ok just a random thought. I feel its really good to have a car. You can do whatever you want. Midnight want to go where also can. I promise myself to do my best for my driving test, then save up for my holiday trip (this one maybe can abolish) and then save up to buy my own car! I promised, if i buy my car, i will......... (the .... is in my mind) Hehehe... Not to be shared.

I am really tired this few nights. If you are close to me then you would know what happen. But trust me, i going to relax myself on weekend.

And my mum just make me laugh. Its the kind of laugh that i cant stop to burst out laughing. She was saying of a product, Then say the variety of product. Then she say of course everywhere will have the same variety, if not you expect people who want Variety A to go to a specific store to get? Ok, some laughter, you would understand much if you hear it.

Next, i think i shall forget about the daily updates of my life in the blog. This few days i am really tired. But few words to describe this few days.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Untitled Post

I am back to blogging at a very tired state. Well this few days had been a very tired day. I woke up early this two days and went to bed late. Coz i having my driving lesson this two days. Well, its the end of my lesson and booked TP. My test date 15-Apr-2009 11.00am. If you had no business in AMK, please do not drive your vehicle there to block the road. hahahaa... I hope i can pass one time. My instructor says that my parllel and vertical parking are not bad (not as bad as i think i am).. Hopefully during the test time i can be as firm as what i am doing this few days.

Next next, my precious number prepaid SIM card had been LOST by my sister. I really hate irresponsible people. Firstly she is the one whom take the card out from my spare handphone then now is lost already she just insisted she put back at the usual place. Inside the prepaid card i somemore just topped up. KANASAI!

Tired + Broke now. Its true that driving drain up alot of my money. I just now counted already if i pass this time, i spent about $2.2k (and that include only ONE revision lesson before test)
My god, all my savings are drained up. When i pass, the next thing i wanted to do is save up to buy my own car. Hahahaa... That is when i passed at first attempt then say.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Untitled Post

2 weeks i didnt post. And well, i think i use summary better. WARNING: This is a long summary.

Well, the past two weeks had been a tiring one. Its a real tired, presentation and follow by study week and exams. Honestly to say only i cant memorize things if not i think i have alot of As liao. This is not kua zhang but its very true. I see the paper the questions so familiar but but but... Well, this final exam also make me so stress up. First time so stress. While exams are over and we are TENTATIVELY GRADUATED. Woo Hoo..

Next is driving. I am happy that i have the last two lesson and i can book my tp lesson le. Well, i seriously afraid of directional change, vertical and parllel parking. Hahaha... On road not so adfraid, i afraid of the circuit course. And plkease hor traffic light, listen to me in tp. Dun suddenly turn red when i am near the traffic light.

Well yesterday is V-Day. A late wishes from me to everyone. Wishes everyone a Happy V-Day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Untitled Post

I going to post what i did today (01-Feb-2009) An advance apology to everyone. This few weeks, i am very busy thus no time to blog.

Well, wake up today and was waiting for my mummy to cook my favorite food - Spaghetti. The first time i ate until i drop my tears. My lips ulcer cause that. Then after which went to Supermarket to get the fruits my mum ordered. And then went to temple to pray. I was so freaking tired when i came home. So i decided to bed before going out tonight.

At night went Ikea with my parents. Cabbed to Ikea and the driving was damm funny. He gave me two mandarin oranges. Hahahaa... He put a bag of oranges below his seats and i persumed he gave to every customers. Brought my parents there to try the food. Seriously, i love the Chicken Wings.
After that walked Ikea and Giant. Then went home.

So today is such an enjoyable day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Untitled Post


Wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year. May success, luck and good health filled up your Year of Ox. If anyone wants love also can. Whahahahaa ...
So just went to both side grandmother house today. Collected red packets. And i at home doing data entry for my red packet at night. LOL. I entered those red packets amount into a spreadsheet. I not ,money faced its like this i can keep track how much people give so i can give back my mum. Actually, i also very funny one. My red packets money are never use. I keep in my drawers for years. And i pay back my mum using my cold hard cash. I was always saving up my red packets for rainy days.

2nd day of CNY. So went another round of visiting today with POKER! LOL. Ok larx, this year average luck. Won $16. Imagine played those $2-$4 every round de win $16 its very little lorx. LOL. SO my relatives went over to my house. And i had to rush like hell to buy finger foods to fry for people. And the most angry thing is when we want rush one kuku motorbike block us. How can a motorbike travelled at extreme right lane of an expressway?
So went to brought lo hei and finger food at supermarket. and rush home.

Wen to school for 1 hour lesson then driving lesson. A compulsory auto lesson. Woo hoo! Auto car is the best, seriously the best. I enjoyed it. And i can speed sia. Dun nid clutch in and out. Just step! LOL. So tried doing the crank course, directional change. All very easy sia. After which went back to school to do project. Rush and rush. Fri got two presentation.

Why i go MIA for days? Because of project. Been writing report for few hours tonight. I do until 4am then i went to bed. So before i slept i was thinking, aiya so tired le sleep more tonight then take cab to school. End up i feel that i am foolish. I slept another 30mins more only. $12 to exchange for 30mins of sleep. Worth? Hmmm...

Presentation today follow by NAPFA Test. Hahahaa... Guess how many points i get for NAPFA test? The best ever result sia. Also try guessing my 2.4km de timming. Best ever result too. LOL. First round was alright until the second round where i feel heart pain follow by stomach pain. OMG!

Its a normal Saturday today. Go work today and was reminded to go home early today to go pray at temple. End up? 5.30pm go home still too late.

Untitled Post

Its Ong Chun Sim nirthday today. Oooh well, i went for my driving lesson before i went to class today. 45mins late for lesson. Hahaha.. Heng, my teacher is dun care one. Learn how to overtake in heavy traffic. LOL. My overtaking power is "skillful" de lorx. LOL. So after that print tonnes of past year paper but do you think i can do finish?

Its a saturday. A day before CNY eve. Went to Bugis today with JJ, JH and Yulin. I heard is Yulin kana called down by them one. Hahaha.. I also not sure. LOL. So brought my shoe. Ok CNY all done! Woo hoo.. I got those CNY Mood!

Chinese New Year EVE! Yea, i slack till afternoon and i went to purchase Salmon Lo Hei. I dunno why i like to eat Lo Hei so much. LOL. I purchased 2 sets. 1 set was to "lo" tonight the other will see. So came back, go buy 4D, see any luck on last day of Rat year. After which reunion dinner. Woo hoo... So many things to eat.
And Indeed, i strike 4D on last day of Rat Year. $10. LOL.
After which i went chinatown to walk. Hahaha.. And watch Bian Piao. At the countdown, i sent an sms at the last 2 sec. So i persumed the SMS will reach the recipent at 12am SHARP. LOLs. Smart hor? Hahahaa... And after which i began to send greetings to first batch of people in my phone book. I send by names stored with number then alphabethical. So 0606, u all will receive it first hand. And i appologize to those name got Y or Z de. LOL.

Friday, January 23, 2009




Thursday, January 22, 2009

Untitled Post

Second part of blog with pictures!

Tomorrow is my friend (also known as Da Jie by 7 princess) birthday celebration. So coincidence that i need to go to a bank in Funan to do something so i went to see his MP3 player. Well, Afew shops sell only. And i was thinking Sim Lim Square maybe cheaper so i decided not to buy but go Sim Lim Square. So went to Sim Lim Square at night. One regret, never go to Sim Lim Square if you are looking a not so well-known brand MP3 player and as well as an expired product. See what we got for him

(But is a Lime Green Version)

Chun Sim birthday celebration today. So Dillys drove us there. Thanks ya Dillys. And wah so long never see you liao, Kai Jing. Hahahaa... A great food indeed. Photos Below

The Girls, they took it before going to Chun Sim Birthday Celebration.

7 Princesses + Kai Jing

Birthday Boy!

Had OM Final Test today. The paper can kill us lorx. Killer lai de. Tomrrow is our presentation.

Project & Case Studies Presentation. Was alright with it. And yipee, one down, we still got two more behind. After presentation, went home to change before going to Far East to buy my new year clothing with JH and JJ. So coincdience to meet Yulin there. Singapore is small after all. LOL.

Its Wednesday! Mid-week. I am crazy about mid week again. Hahaha.. Went to Marina Square this afternoon. But unfortunately nothing caught my eye. So sian lorx, CNY always need new clothing.

School today and AMK Hub to shop. Brought My new year clothing liao. Ok all done, except my shoe. Nice one.

为何爱一个人旁观者有那么多意见? 难道爱一个人有罪吗?我已听你们说的废话听到烦了!
如果我知道你们有那么多意见,当初我就不会去爱了!我累了,真的好累。 不是为了爱而累而是听你们的废话听雷了!

Untitled Post

I know i didnt post much this few days (or weeks liao). I am busy, busy for projects and dateline.
I try to post as much as i can remember.

Its a Sunday! As usual, a single person what can i do on Sunday. Sleep lorx still got what. A sleeping sunday!

Its monday! A Brand new week again. This few weeks will definitely be a busy week. Next Monday Project & Case Studies presentation but we like have alot of things yet completed. Haiz. So tired. Why must we still touch on programming stuffs when we choose iLog. So sad. I seems to forget completely on programming. Hahaha..

Its a 2hour school today and we also do nothing much on our project again. Went for driving lesson in the afternoon. Learn vertical parking. Still alright with it but i cant really remember what to do at every pint. Like check blindspot and mirror.

Cancelled my driving lesson for the day just because to do project. And still alot of uncompleted parts. Everyday project. SIAN! After that went to meet my god-mum at Vivo City and we proceed to drive in to JB by her son. Dinner and daily necessarities shopping at JB. I brought chewy gum back. Hahaha.. Just a share some chewy gums with everyone. We went in at about 6.30pm and came out at about 11pm. The new checkpoint is so cramp and when drive back to Singapore, wa its so many turn here and there. Too bad cant drive fast if not can be F1 race track already. Hahaha..

Went for my medical checkup in the morning. Reach at 8.48am and done everything finish at about 12noon. Its about 3hours+ only. And heng arx I AM NOT OBESE. LOL.. But then one bad thing is the paper write i got partially colour blindness. And the injection not as pain as what others describe lea. Maybe i fat hor the skin too thick. LOL..

Cancelled another driving lesson today to do project. And end up what have we done? Maybe can say chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zi. Tired tired. Its a hetic week this week.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Untitled Post

Its the first day of SDL Week. Spend my day at school doing project. We do till a point struck. Shit lorx. Why must logistic students do project regard to programming one. I want to get away from programming but i cant. So sian...

Second day of SDL. As i mentioned, i will spend one day to spring clean my room. And yes i did it this morning before i went to meet my mum to buy new sofa for my house. I cleared alot of stuffs. I saw alot of things i written during the courtship days in secondary school. All this had become a junk. (On the way to recycling centre) Its alright because the feelings had gone.

I done a second part of cleaning together. Clear away my old school worksheets and books. And i found even more. The wonderful past is a sweet memories to my mind. Its the same for everytime ba. Well, again into the trash bag. I had one big trash bag to throw.

Its a saturday. Work at first then i go Bras Basah sell old IT Books. Damm Ass! That 3 books pay me $2. Waste my energy. Hahahaha.. Then after that go shop for new year clothing. Well, first day of new year clothing i brought already. Economic crisis so wear cheap cheap one. Long sleeve tees + Jeans. Hahahaa... But ok larx not paid by me. Hahaha.. Next is buy a shoe. Thinking to buy a shoe lea.. Hahaha...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Untitled Post

First post of 2009 and this will be for things that happen in two years. (From 31-Dec-2008 to today!)

Yes its the last day of 2008. Let me chase away this year which i dun like. whahahaa.. So had the last driving lesson of the last time slot of the last day in 2008. LOL. Was alright, learn crank course. Seriously say hor, the instructor say see where then turn all this i cant remember very clearly. Hahhaa.. And its buy handphone day! Hahaha.. I Jumped into M1 because of the $300 voucher + Free 6 months voucher. Its really worth. My new Handphone - Samsung Omina. A new phone for a new year. As i was buying, i am thinking, this phone will be definately different when i use it in school.

After purchase of phone then went home have dinner and of course Countdown to 2009. Hahaha... Last minute decided to cycle to watch fireworks. Hahahaa.. Was so fun cycling in midnight.

A brand new year. Spend time exploring my phone at home. I setup the following on my mobile, MSN, Email, Office Email. All this to be read when i am "online-ing" with my phone. Pretty cool gadget right?

A brand new day at school. Seriously say i can see alot of project comming up. Maybe we have to do it on Chinese New Year even. So anything that happen during that period, all have to push away otherwise its very important. Hahahaa.. Was feeling headache and giddy after lesson. And i knew it, i fall ill already. So sway just 2 days of 2009 i fall ill.
And my number porting into the new subscriber had failed. Just because my old subscriber doesnt bear me to leave. (Self-consolation only)

Nothing much today. Probably except its just work. I work on Saturday only and almost every Saturday i work, i will be very busy.

Went to do project and settle my number porting doucment today. Nothing much too. But i was still ill. Sian lea, i hate to be ill.

Morning receive an SMS, my number will be interrupted tonight due to the number porting. Woo Hoo, approval to port liao. After so many days. And tonight night class was so ..... 10minutes of things to do. Pro right? 6pm go class, teacher say 7.15pm can go liao just because we say want go home watch xiao liang er.. Whahahaha..

Driving lesson in the morning. Finally cleared Stage2. This stage i like take a shorter time. Hahaha.. Then went school do project till at night go AMK. Wah piangs, the handphone pouch i wanted to buy for my handphone costs me $25. The kind of pouch that Samsung giving free for F480 one. So ex. Forget it, dont wanna buy pouch liao.

As usual, i love this song very much. Highly Recommended!

"My Love Will Get You Home"

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
.... .... ....
(For complete lyrics, look into the previous entries in August)