Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Summary of 2008 & 2009 Resolution

WARNING: THIS WILL BE A SUPER LONG POST. I am typing this at 1am on 31-Dec-2008. Another 23 hours to 2009. (This post will be posted at about 11pm on 31-Dec-2008)

Let me start with a summary of year 2008. Year 2008 is indeed a rough year to me. I was hoping for a better 2009.
The first quarter of 2008. I forgotten clean about it at the start. I just wanted to get along with my life. Years passed, and its finally ended. End of year 2 follows by the starting of year 3. Start off first with FYPJ where i met alot of new peoples there from various courses.
The second quarter of 2008. Its a sad thing to start with, the departure of our friend. We will miss you deeply. After which is also the start of a new chapter. Something began. I started to move on.
Third quarter of 2008. Things came crashing down. The whole world dropped. I feel so worse. Its just like how shares plunged. Things doesnt want the way i want it to be. Was in Beijing for a personal trip. Truly enjoyed it.
Fourth quarter of 2008. Things just go very differently from what i wanted. Everythings just go down and down. I began starting to learn my driving.
Ending with 2008 is a very bad year, i was hoping for a better 2009.

Next is the Resolution made in 2008.
1. To have money (Current Assets) in my bank account to grow till a quarter of 5 digits figures...
2. To fall ill less than 6 times in 2008.
3. To start taking my driving lesson in 2008.
Resoultion1: I FAILED to achieve it. I Actually if i didnt spend money on driving, the target can be reached.
Resoultion2: I ACHIEVED. I think the last time i fall ill is in end of Aug. Woo Hoo..

As usual, i intend to have 3 resolutions only
1. To pass by driving test by June 2009.
2. Back to money again, hoping to have at least 3k in my bank account before i enter NS
3. Unfilled resolution (will fill once i thought of it) Hehehe

As usually too, i wont wish for weight related or BGR relationship. BGR is see fate one.

Finally, i end this post with the 3 most meaningful phrase heard in 2008.

Author: JX & RM

Author: Unknown

“机会只是给人们一次,同样的机会不可能再发生” or similar (cant really remember)
Author: Local Radio

Another few moments we will bid good bye to 2008. Lets us welcome 2009 with our both hands. If you think your 2008 is as bad as me, lets wish for a better 2009. If you are contented with your 2008 then let wish for a even better 2009.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Untitled Post

First day of the final of the final lap. No more holidays in future (unless i go into uni) First day of school. Like this lor nothing big happen. Only something big is that i nearly fall down the steps when i am going home. Coz rush to the bus stop to catch bus then miss steps. If roll down the stairs then i be hohohoho liao.
2 DAYS MORE TO 2009.

Driving lesson this morning. Was shock that there isnt any instructor arranged for me when the instructor told me this. He say he stand in only. Hahaha.. So learn U-turn today. Yea, its not as bad as i expected. And this instructor shared the same thing as me, 2008 is a bad year. We are hoping for a better 2009. Hahaha.. And i joked with him, tomrrow my lesson will be the last of the year and so coincidence that is the last time slot for the year too. Last of last. Hahaha..
So from yesterday until now, Evelyn was keep saying about buying handphone. And she too want to jump opreator. So coincidence that we are jumping into the same opreator. So i helped her to called to ask about some handphone thingy and i got to know this promotion offered - If you jump from another handphone service provider to this, you get 6 MONTHS of FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Woo Hoo.. That why no matter how, tomrrow she is getting herself a brand new phone and me too. A new phone in a new year. Old phone memories will then be erased. But now got headache dunno want to buy what phone. But one good thing is tomrrow that handphone service provider will be happy to have at least 2 new customers being snatched from competitors. Hahaha..
And stay tune for the next post. It will be a summary of my 2008 and resolution for 2009.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Last Friday of 2008. Yesterday is last Thursday 0f 2008. So fast 2008 is going to end. One week more. Well, Friday also mean holiday going to end soon. Time really flies. Serious, its been flying one.

Its saturday. The last weekend of the year. Woo hoo.. I am so happy tonight. Because the magazine says de thing is so true. Small luck nia but i am happy over it.

Its the last Sunday of 2008. Next Sunday its 2009 already. Today stay at home to study for tomorrow test. Wah Sian. 8 chapters.
I am singing as the radio played - 是你变了吗?
Next Song 终于做了这个决定,别人怎么说我也不定。。。爱需要勇气

a short post indeed.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Untitled Post

Firstly, a MERRY CHRISTMAS to every friends and readers.

So this year, i had receive ONE present up to now. I am not showing off (because there is no reason to show off this pathetic number) but i am trying to say ONE is enough. Because this year i keep telling people don't buy any present for me because i am lazy to buy a present in return. And well, the present is a mouse and a special mouse pad.

Christmas is a wonderful event. Meet-up with my extended family. Or shall i say mini-gathering? Its only on some occasion we can meet up. And so the next is Chinese New Year then Valentine's Day. Ooh, i am being blocked on Valentine's Day already. Its alright to me.

And just now i read up on i-Weekly horoscope. So you think is it accurate? Its say virgo will get a surprise on Thursday (which is today) and had a small luck on Saturday. You think can believe? 23 Hours and 15 Minutes had passed, nothing surprise at all lea. Or the last 45 minutes i will have a big surprise? I am thinking what can it be.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Untitled Post

Untitled Day. Yes, i named it as untitled day. I am smiling today again. =)).. yesterday night i was chatting with a friend and she was so cute to tell me to smile with her. Whahahaa... So i smile the whole day today. Woo hoo hoo.. look at the time i can also smile.. =)).

Its was class BBQ today. I think i didnt take any picture yesterday so dont expect me to post any here. Whahahaa.. But a budget BBQ end up so many balance food too. Hahaha..
Then i went home, i open letter box and to my surprise a self-made Christmas card addressed to me. Thank You, Radio 1003 - Ken.

Hoo hoo hoo.. Christmas Eve. Yesterday is Eve eve. Today is Eve. Whahahahaha... So sad that i didnt had any program for the night, so its ok, i change my minded. I decided to eat at home + solo drinking. Hahaha..
Then at about an hour again, JJ called me to go town with them. Sorry everyone larx, i had my own plan liao and i already start drinking so i lazy to go town liao.
6 minutes to Christmas. I go bring out my sparkling juice to open. And yea hor my vodka havent even finish. Hahahaha..

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Untitled Post

Its Dong Zhi today. Have you eaten your Tang Yuan? I heard from Radio 1003 last few weeks, we must eat Tang yuan on Dong Zhi because this means we are growing this year. Unless you want forever remain the same age then dont eat Tang Yuan lorx. Hohoho.. So if you havent eat, there is still time to go eat. Hahaha..

So went to office to pray today then after that go both of my grandma house to deliver bak kwa. Hahaha.. I dont know is christmas gift or CNY gifts. Hohohoho, deliver gifts. Santa comming to town ba. I am the santa for my family. Whahaha..

And wah, i heard CNY song this week. Hahaha.. New Year is comming to my doorstep. I yet to buy any new clothing this year. Hahaha...

Well, that all ba. One week of holiday gone. And comming up next week.
22-Dec-2008: Untitled Day
23-Dec-2008: EI0606 class gathering
24-Dec-2008: Christmas Eve (An empty day still-anyone wanna go out?)
25-Dec-2008: Christmas Day (booked liao)
Wow, eventful week. Hahaha..

Untitled Post

Had my driving lesson in the morning. So the instructor say i am perfecting the wrong. Ok larx, i know i am noob, i am slow can.
In the past, i always say 18th of the month is full of curse but it is no longer now. I am so happy tonight lorx. I create a new history again.
So when i reach home, i check my mailer and saw a letter from a leading magazine company. (Not those entertainment magazine) They inform me that i have won $70k cash, a car and whatever shit. My first impression was ah la, confirm fake one. So good arx cash + car. Then my dad there disturb say my license haven't get, i already have a car. (That explain my MSN Nick too). So the car have a nice car plate number too - 2638. (If anyone want to buy, please dont buy until sold out. I want win too.. =))

Its a normal day at work. And i do a rough calculation for my company profit for the year. Hahaha..
And my dad was saying times flies. Few weeks ago the start of Dec and tomrrow is the 2/3 of the month. Ya lorx. Very fast lea. 12 days more to 2009. As usual i was hoping for a better 2009.

Business was like shit today. Never seen before such a quiet saturday. So decided to went home early. And to cycle at night. So i do a new distance again. I cycled to Hougang street 91 today. If you know where i stay and where is Houganag Street 91, u will know the distance. And after that went to eat vegetrain at the Hougang there. Such a long time never went there already. And its Dong Zhi tomrrow!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Its Wednesday 17-Dec-2008. I remembered what happen 58 months ago. Hahaha..

Well, a great thanks to Sarah for the great help. A sliver lining appeared in the dark sky. Just when everything cant help, i received her call. Thanks alot.

Well, major newspaper had appeared that Internet Explorer had a loophole where hijacker can entered and they are expected to patch it by today. So i had changed. I downloaded Firefox and Safari in my office PC as well as my laptop already. And i taught my dad how to use Safari and Firefox. Then he was so funny when he see me using my own laptop. He told me cannot use the internet explorer, must use others.. Wahahahaa.. He cautioned me.. LOL..

17 of the month, as always is my lucky day of the month. December 17th was saved by Sarah. LOL...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a sunday! Well, went to work in the morning because of do something wrong in work yesterday. A damage cost or rather loss of $200+ ba. Siao liao lorx. Sway! After which went home and decided to go cycling. I hate rain! I wanted to go as far as i can but the rain disturbs me. I only cycle to Sengkang.

The last holiday.. Woo hoo... Went to work in the morning. And the loss is finalized, its not $200+ but is $500+.. Wah piang eh! I think i need to bear part of the cost ba.. Haiz, what is happening lorx. 2008 is really a unlucky year. Alot of losses. Beside money, i even loss friendS. 2008 indeed an unlucky year. So tired of it already. Hopefully 2009 is a better year.

Maybe because i am thinking of it, i had nightmare and sweet dreams of the same thing. Hahaha.. Its abit funny lorx. Well, all i know the sweet part its wont happen, the nightmare one is too true to happen..
And dunno whats wrong with myself also. Today i keep smilling. Whahahaa... =))

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Untitled Post

Well forget to add on this yesterday. We got back our SI Result. Its a little sad for me to get F for Lab Test and C for written test. But well, that is a honest result. Just like what Chun Sim told JJ score with integrity. Yea, Although no A but its alright, i did our paper with honestly and intergity. Just like how i get A for our Logistics & Distribution lab Test, that is also a honest result with integrity.

So today is saturday. Just a normal working day. Was alittle busy today.

I think enough of slacking for the past few days liao. Soon i going to start project. I will do comm skill first. I think i have decided to choose on DBS. Same class people, please do not be a copycat. Thank You. Hahaha..

Friday, December 12, 2008

Untitled Post

My pace is slow and i came to a complete stop today. Its holiday! Hahahaa... The last holiday in my life. (I do believe it) 2 weeks of holidays but things are lining up to do. Put aside, let me slack awhile more before i get started.

Generally, a high mood day today. Whatever teacher say is left in right out. Hahahaa.. After that driving lesson. Well, this few lesson had been very smoothly. And was taught of the pre-car check today. Wah piang lorx, ask me park at those deserted place (with lots of mosquito) to do pre-drive check.

Nothing much today. 121208. A special date to remeber today. I hope the time can move as slowly as possible now.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 to 2009

Never been so free before for the past few weeks. Well, at least i have one slacking day and in holiday there is alot of things to do. After holiday, 2008 is comming to an end.

This morning we was talking about towards 2009. I said i was hoping for a better 2009. Then that came when someone mention about the econmic crisis. We can feel it by seeing the retrenchment number but that cant help it one. Generally, i was thinking i everyday was saying hoping for a better year next year. From 2004 i said, 2005 will be better till last year i said 2008 will be better. So is it better for me this year? I doubt so. If you were to ask me to use a sentence to describe my 2008 i would say, "Up and Down just like a see-saw." Yes, 2008, i had a lot of up and down. My feeling have been up and down too. Just another half month of 2008, can i have the remaining days of the month to be "up"?

Generally, if i look back, 2008 i accomplish two of the three resolution i did for the year. First, my driving. Yes, i start learning. Secondly, fall ill. I think this year i fall ill lesser time too. Maybe not more than 5 times.

Good Bye 2008, welcome 2009. Lets hope 2009 will be a better year for everyone if you feel that 2008 is a lousy year. With half a month more, let me think of resolution for 2009 soon.

Untitled Post

Its a short week this week. 4 schooling days. So have my driving lesson this morning. Everything just went smoothly except a time where the traffic light suddenly turn red. Dear traffic light in future can dont be so suddenly, at least let my the front wheels of the car pass the stop line then you turn red ma so i dun nid to stop. hehehe... And i find that driving is very tired one. Turn into fliter lane check left blind spot. Then heard turn to right to see the oncomming cars then turn out check another blind spot. My head is like turn from left to right to left. LOL. Somemore check mirror as and always. See right see left see rear mirror. At least rear mirror can have something nice to see. Hahaha.. See behind is it got chio bu. Whahaaha... But on the road seldom have, inside circuit can have. Wahahahaa... And i also realize something, instructor are damm happy when they teach females. You can see their facial expression is different one. Wah if the female is chio bu i cant imagine how happy will those instructors be. Waahahaa

Its a wednesday. Yea! Mid-week. I think in this world only two people who know what mid-week symbolize lorx. One is me another one is my friend. So had extended lesson till 5+ this afternoon. Went home check email, sleep. At night still have to study for tomrrow test. Its a killer test. Really killer one.
I slowed down, awaiting thursday to arrive.

Its test today. Well, i cant memorize anything. So those question i dunno how to do i just crap it out. Wah sian lorx. Then after that went home. Hehe... Today no comm skills. Well, i am just a mini-planner. I love to plan for people's event. LOL... Want me to plan for you? Hahahaa...
And i suddenly miss my "online friend" sia. I wonder where is she. I got 2 months + never seen her online. Wonder how is she now. Where are you my friend? Today thursday lea, you should be at home online-ing right?
I make my pace even slower. Holiday is comming and lets enjoy the last holiday in my life.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Untitled Post

Alright, end of public holiday. So what did i do today? SLEEP + Dinner with mum. Wah i think my life too plain liao, every weekend or public holiday i just sleep. Or maybe shall i say 休息是为了走更长远的路。But this afternoon i cant sleep much too. Dunno is it too cold.

Well, my FTT 20-January 2009 11.45am. Wait until January 2009 i then start studying. Hahaha.. Now study also will forget one. LOL. Actually the wait also quite long lorx, 6weeks. Hahaha..

Lastly, i suddenly thought of this pharse again. (The keypoint is something like this)
"Chances are given once. The probability that you happen to have this same chance again is next to 0."
Author Unknown
Chances are given, so grab it before regret. Hmm..
Ok, sleeping time. tomrrow 10.30am lesson. Sleep more important now. GOOD NIGHT!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I suddenly in love with this "old" song. Dont ask me why, its a sudden one.

为你写诗 作词:吴克群 作曲:吴克群


为你写诗 为你静止
为你写诗 为你静止
我忘了说 最美的是你的名字


为你写诗 为你静止
为你写诗 为你静止
我忘了说 最美的是你的名字

为你写诗 为你静止
为你 我学会弹琴写词
为你写诗 为你静止
我忘了说 最美的是你的名字

我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的名字
我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的样子
我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的名字
我什都能忘记 但唯一不忘是你的样子

Untitled Post

I missed out something on friday mode. Wow, my driving lesson now is stage 2 liao, so i must book a compulsory automatic car lesson. The system prompt me. And to my horror, wah auto car de waiting time so long one. I book till 20+ January. Hahahaa..

Its a work day again. But dunno why today not so busy liao. I am so free today. Hahaha.. Then at night when to NTUC to help my mum buy some air purifier thingy. So expensive one lorx, 5 bottles $30+ gone. Worst is i dunno what i buy in the end i go cashier $60+. Whahaha.. Tidbits + Soft Drinks. That what i always grab at the supermarket.

Its sunday! Well, its sleeping day. Hahaha.. Every sunday, if i didnt go out, i just have a nice sleep. And yesterday my fren told me this - If you sleep late every night, you are affecting your eye degree too. This is as if we sleep late our eyes are tired then we cannot see thing properly and we go strain our eyes so that cause shortsightness even worse. Well, i dunno how true is that but i somewhat believe.
Was watching soccer now. And i was reading the commenter's comment. EPL - Everton vs Aston Viilla, unbeliveable, the match just started 32seconds and they have a goal. Whahahaa...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Untitled Post

Wah so many days i didnt blog arx. Hahaha.. Lets start with Wednesday.

Had OM lab test in the morning. Well, i think i screwed up my last page. Really dunno how to do. After lab test lecture and then driving lesson. Well, generally was alright. That "xAxSx" keep scolding me here and there but end up also let me through. Its unlike him lea. Last time he keep scold me here and there means die liao, today wont lea. Then after that go AMK Hub to meet JJ they all. Walk around then go home. And after 1 year plus, i strike big sweep again. The $30 nia. Hahaha..

A tired morning. I wake up every wednesday, thursday and friday morning feeling so tired. So today is just a normal day with comm skills. My comm skills teacher arx, teach things really slow one. So many story to talk about.

SI test in the afternoon. Honestly speaking, i heard people saying so easy but dono why ours one so difficult. Totally never cheat is cannot make it one. Hahaha... Then after that is driving lesson. I met that "xAxSx" again. Seriously hor that "xAxSx"dunno is it change name or i so lucky lea. He let me go through again although he scold me many times in lesson. Wah lan, dunno is he like to keep scold and scold over small matter or?
Ok end of the week. Long weekend! Anyone wanna meet-up?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Untitled Post


i wanted to type it out when i heard from radio. But i cant type as far as the DJ speaks. Hahaha..
But its about like this larx. If that's a true love, it doesnt require any returns.

Untitled Post

We left with the last month to go. 31 days more and we be counting down to 2009. I think everyone is thinking the achievements they have for 2008 and resolution for 2009 le ba. Hahaha..
And today is WORLD'S AIDS DAY. Pratise Safe Sex and Be responsible.
Generally today is a nice day because i am so happy and satisifed at my lab test result. A lea. Very seldom see lorx. And Chun Sim also got A. Hahahaa... Then i look at my result for written test, just pass only. So i think its difficult to maintain this A. Hahahaha.. Well, after i flunk my SI so badly (as what is told by my teacher) i got an A. Hehehe...
Sometimes i find that "people" are crazy one. When they are wrong, they wont blame themselves but push the blame to other people or event. I am digusted by the attitude of irresponsible people. This kind of people doesnt even should exists in this world.

I woke up early today. Just to go buy KFC Breakfast. Hahaha.. First time eating it, its not bad. KFC Breakfast. H O N EY BISCUIT. Hahahaha...
And today no school. Yea, i love it.. Hahaha.. And tomrrow half day again. Woo Hoo.. Hahahaa... And i was so lucky to grab a driving lesson slot for tomrrow. LOL.
So gonna to start studying for SI test. Teacher say i must get full marks. Hahahaha...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Untitled Post

Its friday today, and yea end of the week! Hahahaa.. Well, i am happy for the whole morning till aftrenoon. Was keep on laughing. Hahaha, Wahahaha.. That my life =). I keep laughing one. LOL... And some bad news fall on me, i flunk my SI Lab test, i think is very worst that kind altough teacher never say. But well, its alright. Those who want to laugh at it then let them laugh because god will make them even worse then me. LOL.
So after which is driving lesson. Right turn. Well kuku, i didnt manage to pass this stage again. think i am really de slow ba. Up to now i wasted $1k+ on driving liao but yet to clear stage 1. Wah lan eh, i think i am really slow ba. (I dun wan to blame people so i say myself)

And yea its a saturday. I spend myself at work the whole day and afternoon till the night. From 7am at airport till 10.30pm knock off from office. How pathetic is my day. Sian 1/2. Wah if my salary counted as per hour, lets say 1hr $5 will do, i huat liao lor! Too bad i am not hourly paid.

Had been chionging on project and even up to the time i am typing here. I had to complie the powerpoint slides and reports. While thanks to my team mates who helped along the way.
So in the (late) afternoon i went to the SITEX Fair. I think i learnt some tricks liao. Next time want buy big items like LCD TV, Computer wait until last hour then go. You will see alot of slashing. 42 inch "S" brand de LCD TV $2499 with a free refrigator. "N" brand laptop at $999 with 11 items of free gift. Wah see le will feel like buying. Hahaha.. After SITEX fair went to Fengshan Market to eat dinner with CS and his "gf". Whahahaaha... Chicken Wing, Bak Chor Mee, Fried Oyster... Wah, we ate alot.. LOL.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a long day today. Morning 9am lesson till 5pm. So i got fed up with that kuku teacher in the end. He keep want to say me one. Shit off. He evn mistaken me copying the homework answers when i hand up. Kuku lorx, i so honest spend time do at home say i copy. Somemore i am not those copycat sort. Well, after that is lecture. Then make up lesson. I shouldnt have gone to the lesson lorx waste time nia. He say which tutioral dun understand tell him he explain. Like this nia arx. Waste my time. And after that the NE also waste time one. What security lorx. I think i sit there playing PSP and studying lorx. 5pm liao they still continue talking and one fun part is people starty clapping. Hohoho. So obvious telling them dun talk liao they still talk.

So after that went home sleep and before studying. Study till 2+am.

Shit test lai de lorx. 80marks paper, 26marks caluclation the rest theory. Like this de paper is not for me one. Bao fail one. After which is NE in the afternoon. I think we are the most entertaining groups. Hahaha.. If you see the last two groups present you will know. LOL. Then went home sleep and do report for the project. I cant make it for tomrrow meet-up so i gotta rush the report by tonight.

And yea, driving lesson for tomrrow. I think i can guess liao, left turning is taught by the kuku i think right turning also him again. And can i know how to drivers know when is the right time for them to turn? Dun need check de right? Is by feel right? Whahahahaa...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a tuesday again. Have driving lesson in the morning. The first time i use honk. Wahahaha.. I told my dad i honked at a cab just now. Then he ask me you want die earlier is it, a learner honked at a cab. Of course larx, then what you expect me to do. The lights turn green and the cab doesnt want to move off so i honked larx, let the driver wake up from its lala land. Whahaha..
Was alright for driving until the final where i dunno this stage got tested on some BTT knowledge. Alot of things in BTT i cant rember lorx. Whahaha..

So during class i was telling people my plan. Christmas celebration. Coz i was thinking to utilize the school funds and balance on hand. So beside HuiXin anyone cant make it during christmas time? If alot cannot then i dun want waste time planning. Coz its like you put in time to plan then cancelled, very disappointment one. Like planning for a birthday celebration, if you know no people come, then why plan. Hahaha..

And now i realize i gotta do homework on this two days. Tuesday and Thursday. For nights on Tuesday and Thursday its homework time! Hahaha.. I completed my homework (with the help of Evelyn answers).. Thanks ya!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Untitled Post

Its week 7 already. Time flies. Another 7 weeks here we are preparing for our final examination and we will leave each other very soon. Why i get so emo now arx? Hahaha..

Was very tired now. Basically i go jogging just now. And i force myself to go a longer distance + do situps. Obviously i cant do pull up so i try to do incline pull up to help my arm but sad to say i realize my arms are weak now. Last time i can do 20+ now do 5. DIE LIAO.

I am tired now but i had alot of things yet to do. Homeworks, test, comm skills presentation. But tomrrow had driving at 10.30am lea. If not enough rest how to drive. Hehe i gave myself an excuse.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Virgo Guy's horoscope

Yulin introduce me a website which is so zhun about horoscope. I read up on two horoscope and both is super zhun.

Lets read mine. What i highlighted (in red and bold) its true or that what i will do in future.




(This part i had no comments on it)

(For this part in red and bold means that is what i got think to do in future)

Untitled Post

Its sunday today. Blogged at 1pm. Wake up brekfast then face com. Not studying but read about the horoscope. Hahaha.. Yulin, thanks arx its really zhun sia the horoscope. From the head to the bottom all zhun. Never seen before so zhun de things. Hahahaa... (But teach me how to navigate lea, i dunno.. LOL)
Change change change. 要变变变。Jolin 的看我72变! Hahahaa...

And the class photo for that day NE

Sorry JJ for blocking you. And who want the photo take from me.

Thank Xin Xin for the photo too.. =)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Untitled Post

Happy Birthday Ming Ye.
Happy Birthday Michelle (my friend in secondary)
Its a thursday. As usual boring lesson the whole day. Really hor i hate comm skill lea. The teacher talk and talk, 1 hour 10+ slides. Wasting time.
And i want object. Next week maybe not we present why must wear formal. Then we present wear again. Wear 2 weeks of formal! Can die one lorx.
So go home, sleep awhile wake up do homework. and my homework refer to TUTORIAL. not the one piece calucation 10mins thing de homework! I do tutioral almost every week one lor. And thanks Evelyn for your lab answers arx.. Hehehe...

I sleep at 2.30am last night, totally dun feel like waking up this morning. Insufficient sleep. Its week 6 already and so heng teacher havent call me present. I think i super heng one. Whahahaa..
Went home, do some stuffs and sleep. I really tired liao. I sleep till about 8pm. That'sm when my dad called and ask want to go out eat anot.
Eat le come home, do some work stuffs and do till 3am. My god! I am really tired.
I plan to have a celebration tomrrow (for some happiness caluse) but then i decided to call off late at night.

3am sleep 9am+ wake up. I really had insufficient sleep. Another reason why i get heart ache liao coz i sleep not enough. Sian lorx. 9am+ wake up then go work liao. Until 8pm+ before i decided to call it a day. Went dinner with my family. Cant really decide what to eat. Then i order my dad to drive where go by where. He tell me arbo you come take over my seat lorx. Hahaha.. Yesterday also tell me this today also tell me this. Everyday ask me take over. He say he tired liao. Hahaha..
Then after eating, my sister see my dad car got dunno what she say she wants. Then i tell my dad when you go scrap car give me the sticker that paste on windscreen. Then my father say you want take what also can 'coz go to scrap everything useless liao. I say then i want car plate number also. My sister say can have the ERP too. Hahahaha.. We are too funny..
Today is the day. 3months ago i am at Beijing (my dad reminded me) 4months ago, i am doing unknown destination cycling.
Yea, enough of blogging liao, back to see soccer and i will sleep early tonight. hahaa..

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Latest COE Bidding Results

Hot News!
COE bidding results for November.

For Cars below 1600cc its starting at $2 only.
Above 1600cc its $4889.

Ooh my god! So low? From $10k+ in the high peak time to now $2. Is it our economy going bad no people want buy cars then the COE drop? Is it a sign? OMG.

If i have money now, i definately go buy a car. Lets hope tomrrow toto, i strike. Then here come a new car. With a personal car i belive i will hurry learn my driving. Whahahaa..

Who want me to bid a COE for you? LOL

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a short day today. A 2 hr lesson. So after that went to AMK Hub. Intially was wanting to buy present but end up never buy. So when to food court ate the wanton mee set meal. That my meal for the day. Power?
So my friend called me. Then i very peck chek. My fren was asking why i am so impatient now. I was like dunno lea. Alot things went into my brain. So my friend went on saying, i also very vuglar now. Its like a totally new person. Ok larx, that one i can admit. I am really impatient now. Maybe its due to one after another series event. But last week i made my decision. I know what i want now and i will aim for it. So end of the day i sms my friend, Bo chap, Bo Hue Lan, Dont Give a Damm! That the keyword to my new success.

Last NE lesson of the semester. Truly enjoyed myself today. =) (Dillys, i want the class photo. Thanks) Out of the 3 NE trip, i like NEWater the most. Seriously. Maybe due to that its shorter (less than an hour). Well, before NE trip, we caught one lecture scolding Sxxx. Hahaha.. We was laughing all the wy. And after NE, i really feel this lecture dunno how to do planning one. Since so many people not going back to school, why arrange both bus to drop at different MRT station.
After NE, celebrating Ming Ye birthday at Seoul Garden TM. Really love Seoul Garden sia. Student meal means include Free Flow Drinks. Personally i feel that $15 its alright to pay for a meal.
I learn to step on break slowly and instead of stepping immediately (which will cuase the vehicle to jerk).

Monday, November 17, 2008

Untitled Post

Its just work today and at night went to AMK to eat the westrn food again BUT this time round its different, its with my family. So my saturday life is very easy one. Its work! ahahaha..
Well, this week i dunno eat how many time of westrn food, not fat also will fat larx. OMG!
And at night start doing the report. Sian la sian la.!
And its even further down today. I just cant imagine why its so difficult to guess for this season.

Report report and report. Being specailize in logisitcs really like a business student. Elaine say one no wrong one. Beside having to read report we still must write report. Tired of doing report where the company have nothing for me to refer. So sian..

Its a monday today! So a lab test tongiht. Dunno how i fare also. Coz i see alot of different answers also.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Untitled Post

Wah i blog once every few days now. Basically i am busy. Keep rushing for test + homework. No time blog. At least i know i am hardworking (?)

Its a wednesday. A short wednesday without NE lesson. Its shiok. And i am so lucky today. On my way back, i decided since i miss 86 i took 72 go Hougang to do some banking transcation. Then i heard on radio during the trip, Ah bian go jail then got number 2630. Then i hurry run go buy iBet 2630 $1. Wah end up really huat. I brought at 12.35pm and i heard some people brought at 12.50pm already Sold out liao. Huat right? Smart lea! Huat ah!
Went home, do my Cover Letter + Resume for submission next day. My CV + Resume from head to toe all fake one. Whahaha.. But i never so kua zhang larx, write i am president. (Right JJ?)

Its so tired on Thursday. After lesson, went to celebrate Ivan birthday at Pizza Hut. Too bad student meal, my OCBC card de privillage cant be used. Sad. Then celebrate liao go walk around and its nearly 8pm before we went home. So i check on my mobile, i saw a missed call. Yea! Its my dad! So i very smart i call him and say you want come pick me up right. Whahahaa.. Its so shiok having people to pick you up after a tired day.
Went home, do Elaine de homework, if not next day she sure xxxx one.

Wah so fast end of week 6 liao arx. This morning, i would like to say i am so lucky once again. Never call me to present. But i dun understand why she so weird one lorx, within 1 hour she come my side spot check 3 times. Then gei gei ask us things. Its not as if i am not listening, i am so attentive there and she keep comming spot check. See liao also sian.
So went home after lesson to sleep. And as usual, i am the sleeping pro. I slept until 8pm. And i woke up le use computer awhile and went to eat dinner with my family. Its only when we have a car then we can say lets go somewhere far to eat. Hahahah... And how can i eat prata when there isnt any sugar? LOL. My childhood favorite lea. Prata with Sugar!
So end of the week and this weekend confirm very busy one. Coz i have to write a report again. And worse still its due on Monday! Sian!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Untitled Post

The "dead" man is back to blogger.

Its a hetic saturday again. I spend my whole day working until 10.30pm. Maybe this is the life of a single person (and also a person whom seldom game).
And yes today is an unlucky day. $80 fly again. $20 more i will on my way to a PSP. I think i have reached the lowest point of my life once again.
As usual i have the old hopes again when i took train.

Its a sunday! And god damm it. Its just because i think until too late and there gone my money again. So i just spend my sunday afternoon sleeping and slacking. I waited until about 11pm then i start studying and i slept late in the end

Woke up late! 12noon lesson i woke up at 11am and the weather is so shiok. So no choice take cab to school.
Its week 5 already. And today there is another new case studies. Wa sian. So at night during break, we went to AMK there to eat westrn food again. I tried the grilled chicken today.

Nice date today right? 11-11. But let me tell you i hate tuesdyy. Its really a cursed day almost every tuesday. In the past, i thought of 18 of the month is the most cursed one but now, its every tuesday. I think i must wear black on every tuesday already. Because its BLACK TUESDAY! I just dont understand why and what. Sometimes i regretted. I promised myself, in future if this will to be happen again i shall not be the foolish one. I shall hung up high and see. I dont afraid of losing one.
Enough of ranting and to driving. I hate this instructor the most. Really one lea, i hate him to the core. What the point when to the end then you appologize. Useless right? Same for you also, i also dont understand why you appologize in the end. Its like if he thinks he is wrong intially then.... Very fed up. So this is how my tuesday.
I find it very stress today. I am tired, tired of this and tired of that. Maybe i shall say this one i am wrong, that one i am wrong and everything i am wrong too. I am wrong for being a slow learner. I am wrong because i am afraid of this and that. I am wrong because i make the first step. See, how many wrong i am. So my fault larx? Everything my fault.
I end it by saying, i feel like crying now. Never been so "like this" before.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What my name means

I found this in a ex-schoolmate blog.

What Gohtowhong Means
You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

Well, I dont think very zhun lea. Some of the sentence are true while some arent.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Meaningful Quote

Well, i heard this quote over from the radio which i find it quite meaningful.
(An advance appology for my English as it is a chinese quote and i translate it myself)

CHNACES are given to people once only. If you miss this chance, the probability of getting another chance again is next to zero.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a tired day. Which include lesson till afternoon and then shopping (?) with CS, Wan Yee and xue ling. Well, was tired after that already. And i have to wait a freakking 15minutes bus home. Peak hour lea, 15mins. WTF! Increase bus fare with the usual service. And now fuel drop le hor, why never heard got people want to decrease fare liao. When increase the reason giving is rising fuel cost. So now the fuel is traded at US$64, so how come no decrease.

And yes, Dillys this is for you (and everyone who keen to know the address)
Blk 728 Ang Mo Kio Ave 6.
Another Branch Blk 246 Hougang Ave 3 (And Hougang Avenue 3 got 246 mahz? 24 or 246?)
The westrn food not bad. Hotplate Chicken Chop $6. Got corn and veggies but if you doesnt want can ask to change to mashed potato + fries. The Fish & Chips not bad too.

Woke up early morning and in a blurrish stage, my leg knock onto myt bed frame. Having the pain still. So i had difficulties kneeling down now.
Lesson was as usual up to 3pm. And the xxxx always come our side spot check us. As if we are bad students like this. Please lorx, i still take the intiative to go print out the case studies to read lorx. Diao!

So after school, i was feeling tired already. Decided to go develop the "photo" and proceed to sleep. The lady even know what i am trying to do with the "photo". Hahaha.. She first asked me "What is that?" then she continue "ooh.. do..." Hahaha.. Smart sia. Then after that proceed home to sleep.

Reach home, very tired already. So just lie on bed and sleep. I slept for 3hours and after waking up, i still feel so tired and body ache. I think i gonna fall ill soon.

I still yet have my dinner. Ke lian gui. LOL.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Untitled Post

Yea! Its a free tuesday! I did my Comms Skills work + some private affairs at home. At night, i cycled to Hougang to develop the "photo". Second time to Hougang again and this time round i realize a short cut path to there. Wahahaha..

However the photo is unclear, plan to make a trip down to develop again tomrrow.

Second NE trip. Today was really moody day for me. All along was alright but up to after lunch time, i began to feel some "heaviness" in my heart. If one day i might suffer heart attack, i cant find any reason for not having. So was moody for the whole trip. You may see i laugh i smile when talking to people, on the phone, SMS but in my heart its otherwise.

I think i owed myself an appology. I appologized to myself for causing such a stress to myself. This is not the first time i ever had such stress. Maybe i advanced too far ahead.

Ok, dont talk about those unhappiness. Just now in NE trip, my friend show me her driving booklet. Wah lan, she start later then me but she advanced so fast. I think i really slow learner liao. She gone into stage 2 (and its ending of stage 2) but i still in stage 1. OMG! I am SLOW.

And i am so tired today that i fall alseep in the bus journey home. Well, i overshot too. Whahaha... So tired. Tired tired and tired. Tomrrow will be a brand new day so let us put some unhappiness away and brought forward the happiness.

After returning to school from NE, we headed over to AMK to try the westrn food as recommended by the magazine. Well, very nice! The portion not too little also. The price not to ex too. Guranteed to go for a second time. Recommended for everyone to go!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Untitled Post

How long since i last blog? Let me go have a look.

Friday 31-Oct-2008
I shall name today (friday) for both name. As explained in my tag, Romance&Lucky Friday. Romance as i be attending my relative's daughter wedding dinner today. And lucky is heng arx Elaine never ask me answer question today.
So at the wedding dinner tonight, my aunt was there talking about the open door redpacket given by the guy. The guy give $100 sia and they just accepted. They say must return $1 change to the guy coz $99. But i say 1 cents will do, coz $99.99 will do. I am wondering next time if i marry how much open door red packet i must give sia? Hahhaa... I prepare one blank cheque go better. LOL.

Woah last two piece of calender already sia. So what achievement i had made in 2008. Yesterday whilst breakfast with my FYPJ Friends they were discussing. Hmm, i wonder what achievement can i said. I think maybe start of learning driving? And i finally found some ...... (well, this one dun nid mention much). Or maybe can also say i fall ill lesser this year? My last date of falling ill 22-Aug-2008 (in my Beijing trip). Until now, 2months+.
So at night another dinner. Wah continously two day eat Yam Paste. That's my favorite. Whahahaa.. So next time round if any friends want to buy me desert, dun nid ask, Yam Paste will do. Whahaha

My days of the week.
Holiday Monday - Its a public holiday
Black Tuesday - I always wear black on tuesday. This symbolize something
Inactive Wednesday - Not as active as the week before
Long Thursday - Today is a long day, 9 to 8
Romance+Lucky Friday - I explained already
Hetic Saturday - Its a busy day today
Project Sunday - I am busy doing project the whole day.

See, i listed all my names of the week.
And something bad happen to me at night. I told my friend what happen and he told me i need a rest. What he say its true, i think i need a rest. So i take a week rest and be back next week. I told myself - 休息是为了走根长远的路。

Its a monday again. Week 4. What have we done sia? Its so fast four weeks already. Presentation this morning with lecture and lab at night. At night the lab is damm funny de lorx, teacher dun care one do finish can bye liao. Whahaha..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a long Thursday. I am tired. After lesson today, i feel so tired. Was thinking, i should cab home. Its 7.40pm. I was thinking deeply, in the past with Shi hui, Hui Xin and Dillys cabbed home was totally not a big problem if all is ok, coz after we spilt up the cost, its still worth it. Now when i want to cab home, i need consideration. I wont spent alot on cab just like what i had spent previously. End up, i took bus home.

So yes i am tired. And i going to school tomrrow. Whole day lesson i be going. But i only done part of my homework. Pray tomrrow will be a lucky day that i wont be called to answer question.

So a romance Friday? Or Lucky Friday? I shall name it tomrrow.

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So today is the NE trip to National Museum. Obviously everyone was so excited. Whahaha.. So after NE trip we begin to slack around with nothing to do so i just went home. Because i am tired liao. Its black Tuesday yesterday with Inactive Wednesday today and a Long Thursday tomrrow. I named every day with a word.

So my neighbour began to ask me today "20 years old le hor." "24-25 years old can marry liao". Obviosuly i smile to her but have a diao feeling in my heart. No girlfriend marry what shit. Why people keep asking me about marriage and all this thing. I so old liao mahz? I just hit 20 nia lea! Damm!

And lastly a piece of GOOD NEWS! Fuel Surcharge in taxis will go away from 11 November. (And some on 12-Nov). Woo! 30cents gone. Seriously larx i find it very funny, Air planes collected fuel surcharge can keep increase. Once taxi come in to collect the fuel price start to drop and they cant have it liao. Whahaha.. And to me 30cents doesnt make a big difference, if you are in urgent who going to care about 30cents. $3 you also will pay lorx.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a public holiday today. So went to meet my friend to take back my handphone and a card and some stuffs before went to meet my mum at hypermart. So my mum was compalining already, public holiday my younger sister rather go accompany her friend. Then my another sister was say lets go, we accompany you to go shop for grocery. LOL.

So i said earlier on, my friend is just like a loan-shark runner. Whahaha.. Lend people handphone still got love letter card de arx? Not bad lea. But short of money. I want money better! Whahaha..

A 2 hour lesson and a driving lesson after that. And i am so happy. Why? Next week no school on tuesday! Wah shiok larx! Next week hurry release some driving slots. Dear people, if you dun want please give to me. Whahaha..

Monday, October 27, 2008

Untitled Post

Life is just like a roller coaster. Its go up and down at a fast speed.

So its a weekend today. Went to work this afternoon to clear all outstanding things. Well, being in retail line, i know which kind of customer are the worst. They wont thank you afterall and feel that you owe them a living instead. So this kind of people, end up like me disrurb them only. Hahaha.. Revenge (Well, i doesnt have a revenge-ful heart but expect for certain people)

Was planning to watch Liverpool match with Chun Sim but end up he dun wan. Its ok. Liverpool still won. Whahaha..

I went home and saw a notice on my house downstair de notice board. Community centre organized bowling section. $5 per person. On a certain sunday. So $5 include "free-flow" bowling and shoe rental. And to and fro transport. Woo. So shiok. Thinking to join lea.. Anyone wanna join too?

So my sunday just goes like this. A simple day indeed. Maybe for a single person, i can do whatever i like on my free days afterall no pa-tor-ing, no anything.

Tomrrow is monday. probably stay at home do project unless someone decides to call me out. K-ing or Bowling, i will most happy to join. Whahahaa..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Untitled Post

Introduce one song first - I Stay in Love By Mariah Carey

.... And I know we said let go
But I kept on hanging on
Inside I know it's over
You're really gone
It's killing me
Cause there ain't nothing
That I can do
I stay in love with you

And I keep on
Telling myself
That you'll come
Back around
And I try to front
Like "oh well"
Each time you let me down
See I can't get over you now
No matter what I do
But baby, baby
I stay in love with you ... (Its an extract)

So well, was actually meeting up my friend to collect back my property but end up she doesnt want to me coz she's afraid that she will hurt me with her mood. Well, its alright. So just had a normal day today. Working hard today. Afternoon i just went to bank with my insurance commission for September and October. It barely enough for one driving lesson. So sad. Money so little. So at night went to meet Xiao gong zhu for prata meal. Was like wanting to find those usual people to go but end up two not free one no reply. Oops, sorry i think we miss out someone today. Sorry + Paiseh.

So i do wonder how low must one go under before they can rise. Hmm.. No extact answer.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Untitled Post Entry

So its a friday again. And its a long weekend this week. So lesson today was alright. I think i begin to get used to it. All the boring lessons and .....

So how i plan for my weekend. Tomrrow meet up my friend to collect back my handphone and a "love letter" written by the one who loan my handphone. Hahaha.. My fren is like those ah long runners like this collect my handphone for me. So sunday no plan and monday no plan too. Intially is bowling on either sunday or saturday end up cancelled. Ok well, so my sunday and monday is free. Anyone want to go out? Hahaha..

And i think i get to a lowest point of my life. Everything just doesnt go smoothly and it isnt the way i want. So tired!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Untitled Post

3 consective days without any post. Well, i am not dead yet.

Its a brand new week again. week 2, Monday. Well, it is just a normal day. And thanks Chun sim for teaching me to do the bus schudule thingy in the afternoon.

2 hours lesson is simply too shiok. And after that its driving lesson. Ya lorx, i 2 weeks never drive le, abit blurr at the beginning. And rain began to start when lesson started. And yes, i am on the road today. And fed up with pedersrains. Damm shitty the two workers, dunno want to cross the road anot then i kan jiong step on clutch instead of break. Shitty idiot.. And another thing i hate is those taxi drivers. Anyhow cut lane one. I thinking if TP can choose timming i wun choose afternoon 3pm-5pm for a test. Because i realize there is a private petrol kiosk for taxis near there. So there will be alot of cabs during this "changing-shift" period. So i have another problem, failure to keep in lane. Ah shit! I struck at my lesson again. i think i am really slow sia. SIAN. My instructor says me "I see you in circuit drive alright but until outside roads, you have alot of different patterns. Whty?" I also dunno how to answer why. Sian..

So what day is today? Its 22-Oct-2008 if you forgot. Its a wednesday today! (So i am singing "If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home" - Christine Glass. So if you had forgotten today date you can ask me..)
I dunno why i am so happy today. Every wednesday i am so happy one. Last week like this, today even happier. Somemore in class i am so active today. Hahaha... So after class is lecture and NE lesson. And yea, after this blog, i am going to do my homework. Must learn to be hardworking, independence and many many. LOL.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Untitled Post

So had a wonderful day today. I cycled my way from my house to Hougang Mall. I realize how difficult it is to come back while how easy it is to go Hougang. From My house to hougang, mostly its all down slope. And when returning, its the opposite. Well, nevermind, an intresting ride though. Next week i maybe going to cycle to Kovan liao.

So a sunday just passed. Tomrrow will be a new week again. It had been a week.

Untitled Post

This was up at today morning only.

So was freakking tired yesterday night and didnt blog. Went to XueLing birthday yesterday night. Well, enjoyed. And not forgetting to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY XueLing. Was there till about 12am and being droved home. Well, its so nice that someone had driven me home and i always had those wish of having people to drive me. Hhahaha.. Hao la, i wont forget those who driven me once before when i have a car. And also wont forget the "sayings" by people who want me to drive them. Hahaha..

Actually very sorry that i cant remeber alot people de birthdate. Hahaha. Unless u keep telling me when is your birthday then my mind will store your date. Hahaha..

And we were like talking about what to do for our 21st birthday. So was thinking, mine is Sep liao, how to do lorx. I thinking of chalet but can that be possible? And yesterday night while at home of thinking, i had a pretty stupid thinking. Next year if i celebrate there is one group of people i would like to take photos with - all the girls that i loved that before. Stupid right?

End my post with, ITS A SUNDAY! WooHoo!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Untitled Post

So today was friday. My mood at the starting of the day is high and end with a moody day. Well, i was foolish. Yes, foolish enough. So today lesson was generally alright. With the first lesson, a kanasai one. The new lecturer can even teach wrong answer. It is a big lab then have two lecturer, i shall name Lect A and Lect B. Lect A say herself, in less than 24 hours we forget all her lectures and our tutioral answers. So Lecturer B was explaining with one of the answer in Tutioral and he told us wrong answer. So i wonder should Lecturer A scold B instead of us. In less than 24 hours. KNS. So afternoon was the dunno what de lab. Nefore break was so sian to me coz i catch no ball. But after break, i find it very fun because i can do it. I guess its my 100% concentration at labs work. No day-dreaming, No MSN, mind dun go anywhere.

And so was the end of the day and i went to book my driving lesson. Now book till mid Nov. Wah 1 month of waiting. I shall pray people dun wan then slots and i take. Hahahaha.. So i did some foolish things after my booking of lesson.

Was reading newspaper. My Singapore flyer trip! Got promotion now. I want go! You wanna come with me? And i also wanna go the fish spa. Its seems fun. Wah, i really got alot thing wanna do. I wanna go Bowling and K too. (But my singing xxx one) So any kaki wanna do the above?

Untitled Post

So its end of thursday. So fast another week passes. Obviously today wasnt as fun as yesterday. But i am slowly getting back. Today i learn two things. This will be remebered. One is the SURPRISED lesson. The global and sequential one. Global is got plan, sequential is bo chap and go do. Wahahaa.. Another is the comms skills class. The teacher word strikes me. "So if a 12years old child can get over it and move on, why cant xxx..." So week 4 got comms skills presentation and the dunno what de presentation.

I think i shall stop playing liao. If not in future i really can get into trouble. Supply is supply, Surprised is surprised. Supply is not surprised. So dun ever say Global SURPRISED ....

And i think i learnt alittle of independent and guainess. I did my homework. Wahahahaa... First week and i am so guai. LOL. *Self-consolate*

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Untitled Blog Entry

Yea! I am so happy today. Hahaha... School was no longer bored to me today (I was laughing from start to end) and I am so lucky today. Yesterday night i was praying for some luck so this morning i finally get it. God taught me if this is yours no matter what happen it is also yours. So like this, i earned a sum of money. Thank luck. Hahaha.. Lesson was never bored today. BKeep on laughing at Lao Da craps. Hahahaa...

Out of three days at school, today is the most sastifying one.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Untitled Blog Entry

So was another day at school again. 2hours lesson only. In fact not a lesson is a project based module. We had to research on a company. And we did on "Orange".. Whahahaha!
So before lesson starts i got so "highness" and shortly into the lesson i feel so sian. Its really not the same as me in the past liao. For a minute i even make myself lie on the table because i am too sian and sleeply. So i decided to pull myself up by walking to the toilet and wash my face. Its was only until the end of the lesson where my mood comes up again.

Everytime when i put myself into deep thoughts, i get some heart ache and headache. Haiz. So mid-week tomrrow. 9 to 3pm.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Untitled Post

Days are never the same, the usually active and noisy person had becomming quietier and inactive. Classes are so different to me today. I really felt so different today. Except for the occassional disturbs, i didnt smile much today. I am so tired after all. So on the journey home, alot of thoughts went into my mind. Decided to walk home but end up forget it.

So tired, sleeping soon and i think classes will never be the same again.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Untitled Post

So i didnt blogged yesterday.

Was a super duper busy day at work again. So its been dunno how many consectitive days people are asking about me BGR things. Ok larx, i self consoled myself, maybe i look old. LOL. So my itchy mouth go ask the printing store auntie saturday also work until so late. She say go home also nothing to do then next she say me also ma. She asked me back no pa-tor mahz? Or dun want. Then i replied a very nice pharse “不是我不要,缘分还没到。”
So that end of yesterday and i intend to stop calculating already because holiday is ending.

Final day of holiday and here we are going to our final lap. No matter where we are, let us (as a class) together cleared this semester and get our dipolma together.
Shi Hui, Hui Xin, Dillys, Cat, Yulin, Hakim, Dan, Chee wei and Fuddin, although we arent together as a class already, do your best in your studies or project and let us graduate as a class.
So i went to work today to clear all the outstanding stuffs. Really alot things to do and my dad was saying what had we been doing the last few weeks, why last minute liao suddenly so many things to do. Dunno lea, dunno do what shit. And yea, i designed my new namecard liao, new batch of personal namecards comming my way. Wahahahaa...
And and got a module in logistic is called Global SURPRISED (Supply) Chain. Wahahahaa.. That what Evelyn told me. I told her if we in same class for this module ad the teacher was reading his module name, we confirm brust out laughing. whahahahahahaah... Right Evelyn?
So today mark the end of the holiday. This holiday was too short man, i didnt earn much money. Ah i think i earn about my school fees only.. Ahh!! Shitt...

A test on myself..

So i saw this sort of test from my friend's blog and i did it. Word in red is my comment.

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
(Straight forward? Dunno. But true larx, i will listen to both side story before making a judgement.)

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
(Absoultely true, i dont judge a person by its cover one. Any girls that is 看得顺眼 is enough. Because in this world there isnt ugly girls but only lazy girls.)

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
(Hmm.. Abit true but this causes alot of .....)

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
(Got plenty mahz? Now like dun have liao lea, maybe i LKK liao. Hahaha..)

Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
(Totally rubbish! Study better.. whahahaha..)

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
(Hmmm.. Dono.. Hahaha..)

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
(Abit true because i failed alot of times. Tired of failing.)

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
(Hmm.. True.. Maybe i havent really learn independence.)

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
(Wah this one really zhun lea.. Hahahaha...)

Am i going out? Still do all sort of test. Go out liao.. hahahah..

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Untitled Post

Its a busy day at work today. So i just love today. Busy but i am happy. Not happy due to money rolling for what i am busy with BUT happy over that its been two days. So a third day too? Hmm..

So today my office paid me an undisclosed sum of money for my 45 working days. Hahahaa.. Actually i am reluctant to receive but my dad says just accept it lorx. So i take it. Hmm.. This money can used partially for my driving funds. And dun speculate much, its not a three digit figures only.

Happy happy and i am so happy.. Hahhahaa... So school reopening soon. Monday is the start of our final lap.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Untitled Post

Well, another day again. 2008 is comming to an end soon. Resoultion for 2009! I saw some people making already. Hahaha.. So how is my 2008 resoultion? Hmm... Judge it myself and submit the results before this year end.

And someone ask me again on today, whether i have girlfriend anot? Hmm.. Am i too sensitive to this type of questions? I doubt so lorx, its like i getting fed-up answering people this question. And some people more worse dun believe what i said. Haiz. Got or not important mahz? I only remember a song sing about female will not be forever young and beatuiful. No people say guys will not be forever young and beatuiful ma. Old man more shuai lorx. Whahahaa..

School is reopening soon. And because of the late timetable released, i do not dare to book my driving lesson. Now die liao lorx, all left November slot. And now its only wed and thursday i can book only. If not is drive le then school. So school reopen, i suddenly realize, if i am late no one to share cab. If i lazy to take bus, no one to share cab home too. So two ways, Way one, dont be late and lazy so save on cab. Way two, take cab myself. I think its been weeks (months?) i didnt take cab alone liao..


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Untitled Post

4th driving lesson today. Actually its a happy thing to drive now. Whahaha.. Suddenly, i get to feel the fun. LOL. When drive, dont go think of other thing ok? Yes, i will. hahaa..

Was so super busy at work today. And again another customer ask me about BGR thing again. Oi, is it at my this age no girlfriend is a weird thing? No right? So why is everyone telling different thing. So this customer went on saying why dont ask your daddy introduce china woman. (My mind was thinking ... =.=") Then he went on saying again go find Hainese woman larx. (I keep quiet there).. Then say alot larx. After he left, my dad was saying, this kind people is like want to earn money only. I tell him ya lorx, hainanese woman, china woman. For what lorx, singapore got alot also. Seriously larx, i really prefer Singapore girls now. Whahaha..

Next is MRT Breakdown. Wahahaha.. So long that i take train, for time met breakdown that need to be transferred by shuttle bus. And its FREE with lots of people complain. Actually i think those people very kuku one lorx. Got FREE (yes i mention again its free) shuttle bus to ride liao still want kpkb so much for what? One people more idiot, she scold the bus driver, "You say got go Sengkang Interchange" but why drop people outside only. Wa piang, outside walk until inside will die mahz? Pass by Sengkang and go Punggol can. This kind people hor should drive their own car. So reaching Punggol, i teach the bus driver how to drive into the interchange. At least i still very good reach there liao say thank lorx and ask him go ask those people what he need to go do. If not i think he kana scolding again. Really pity those people. Ferry people for free and kana scoldings.

And ya a correction to KPE road de ERP. I used the road last two weeks ago. THE ERP is when you go in pay once, exit pay once (IF ONLY ITS IN OPREATION). not as what i thought earlier on 16 gantries inside. I think its total 16 gantries. So go in pay, exit pay. Unless you exit wrongly, go in again pay, exit again pay. Whahahaa.. As at now all the ERP are not switch on.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Untitled Post

Was a busy day at work today. Nothing big happen today but countdown to school reopen. I believe when school reopen i shall be the one who came late everyday. So sian lorx school Reopen.
We knew our timetable at night. Ok larx, i have nothing to say about our timetable. Even i objected 9am lesson, you think the timetable can be change? Cannot ma. And one night lesson again. So anyone going to buy your notes? I prefer Wednesday afternoon. Anyone?

Busy day at work again. I guess one day i shall have heart attack. My heart is sort of "very heavy". Dont wanna think dont wanna think. I think my instructor say de words had the most value - often think too much, make thing complicated. And suddenly thot of siao one. VERY RANDOM. Ya lorx siao one think too much liao lor, i rather like this even better lorx. Hao xin mei hao bao one larx. That is always one. Hao xin give a suggestion, people go think until holland. Next time i think until the holland and u-turn back better...
New semester comming. I know almost alot of us are seperated. Regardless where we are, let us speed thru the last lap.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Untitled Post

A tired day. Went out to celebrate my friend's birthday today. Eating at Pizza Hut and i found out something. My OCBC card got 10% discount at Pizza Hut. Whaahaha... Such a nice privillage. And my friend was saying wah every privillage thing i also have. Hahaha. And i was thinking, actually how much i can save everytime when using my cards. Wahahaha.. So was also thinking if next time i am in relationship, actually i can use all this privillage lea. Defiantely will not miss out the movie one. Cool sia. But abit like cheapo? Hahaha.. And i do have crazy friends. Our bill added up to $114 after discount. Then they saw the mall having promotion. Spend above $120 got free movie tickets. So we went into a supermarket to buy drinks and when we go back to redeem for the "movie tickets", No more. Left the mug only. Wa Funny. Hahaha.. Lastly not forgetting your muffins, girl. Its really taste nice. You really know how to make food sia. Hahah..

I dont know why i had a bad stomach today. Keep wanting to go toilet to do "BIG business".. Whahaha...

So after dinner, we walked around and my friend they all want to go arcade so i went home and watch soccer. Wah, Liverpool made me had some cold sweats just now. From Half Time losing 2 (Man City 2:0 Liverpool) till they can attack 3 balls in the second half. I must admit, this is a rare scene in this season EPL. Power!


Sunday, October 5, 2008


Continiously 3 posts in a day. And yes i am angry and frustrated now. Can someone define me the meaning of friends? Why are everyone like this. My head is spinning now and this time round friends caused it. Can someone cool me down? Piangz, Fxxx, Dxxx, Chxx Bxx.. All vuglarities are out now. Super furious can? All these are called friends are? Next time dont come ask me things when you all need it becuase i assume we are just like passer-bys. Come and go.


Saturday, October 4, 2008


Calling all 06 and friends of 06. Anyonw wanna go for The NewPaper Big Walk this year. Its held on 02 November this year. Anyone keen? And its purely walk this year (meaning no competitive run) and its a new route and shorter route, 5kilometres only. Anyone wants to join?

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So was freaking funny just now. Took a wrong train. Was heading home at kovan. I took the wrong side of the train. Whahahaa... I dunno what am i thinking larx. Its weird lorx. I board the train and its only they announce the next station "Serangoon" then i realize it. After i alighted i was wondering is it the ghost train? Its next to impossible i will take wrong direction de ma. After that when i travelled back i realize i am wrong because i am sitting at the chair facing the train towards Harbourfront. Then maybe train come i board. But then now i thinking back its impossible lea. I suspect train go wrong direction lea. Coz i remebered when i stand up i turn opposite lea, did i board wrong train? Really confusing. Mind is blank at that time, i suspect.

So was another saturday again. Weeks never meet up with friends. Seriously. And tomrrow celebrating my secondary school friend birthday. So i am now freaking hate people who dun wanna give a respon or say see first when ask want to come. Or even say Maybe. Why cant people say yes or no lea. You want come then come, dont want say dont want. Reject people dont need scare paiseh one ma. Cant understand how people think sia.

So so tired now and i feel that i am very unlucky one, really. Sue Xiao Hei !!!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Untitled Post

Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1003. Whahahahaa....

Was generally a bad day today. My head is spinning today. Too many things that went into my brain that required alot of thinking. What day is it seh. Its not one lorx, its a number of events that went into my brain. Haiz. What can i say. Maybe i should take what my instructor saifd that day. Things are very simple, its only we human think too much and make it complicated. Maybe, 是你想太多 “我总这样说”。I am getting better now because i relax my brain by lettintg it think of money. Whahaha..

And yea its another weekend tomrrow. And another weekend more, we will be back to school. So fast school reopen. I havent relax finish lorx. I was thinking now if i never go into university (most probably not) this will be my last holiday in my life already. Mo more school holiday! Our last lap, though we seperated, jia you everyone! And keen for a meet-up everyone?

And And "someone" scolded me with this just now “你屁股杨yang啦,已经两年多没有事了,你现在又去找事来!” Argh!! Stupid stupid! I am Stupid


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Untitled Post

I dont understand am i really those slow learner or what the instructor had said "Slow and steady win the race." Argh! Its saddening + disappointing that i struck on part (or rather item) 4 for two consective lesson. Shit it! Wasting of my own money only. Part 4 i am struck already, i wonder the ending how. Siao liao lorx. My saving is draining up too.
Actually today part was a fun one. I never seen an instructor who talked so much along the way. And still look at pretty girls and worse of distracted me to see. And he still ask me dun see pretty girls until cant concentrate. He was saying he no chance liao can see only and i wanted to reply i also dont wish to see liao. Whahahaha... Because....

Ok forget about my sloweness. I need to announce to everyone. Look in your mail box this few days, government is giving us money into our PSEA account again. This time $600. This can be used to offset our fees. Thinking of using too. Coz impossible i will go into local uni or SIM ma, so use now lorx.. Hahah..


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Untitled Post

300th Post. I think more than half of the post here now belong to mine.

Me myself say wanting to lose weight and see how much i ate today. Morning, a slice of pizza + my daily dose of SUGAR FREE fruit juice. Then lunch was buffet with my god-mum. OMG! Such a valuable meal it is. Dinner was zhi char with my family. OMG!
Ok back to my lunch buffet. I can recommend people to this place. Its at the CHIJMES. Thai Lunch Buffet. Its $12NETT only and there are many many many good foods. But then its abit salty larx. Hhahaa.. Maybe i should ask them 少咸少油... Hahaha..
I was holy for the night. Abit regretted but its alright.
So i read a magazine and saw this about my horoscope for the week.
...... 在感情方面可以采取主动,会很顺利.... What shit horoscope is this. If its come true then i going to believe..
And and and, i learn a new word from radio just now. IMMU. IMMU so deeply.. It refer to I aM Missing You. Wahahaha....

SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all Muslim readers. Hahaha.. So was a sleepy day today. I wake up at 11+am then go cycling, had lunch and sleep again till 5pm. Go buy 4D come back jogging with my dad. Shit it, let my dad win me today. I dun understand why just now my right leg had a sudden pain. So this is my holiday. Sleeping was the best after all.
And I think i gonna fall ill soon.
Third driving lesson tomrrow so i going sleep early tonight. The forth one is on 08-Oct-2008. Hahaha... Some one gave up and i took it.. Hahaha..

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Untitled Post

Yes, i am back. Hahaha.

Went for my family chalet today. As what i had said before, my family short of 2 person going. Had a great day there. But the god was playing with us, rain when we wanted to start fire. But it was fast for the rain to stop. So had baberquing until 8pm where almost everyone there rush in to watch F1 ! Alanso! LOL... If you ask me did i bet, i can give you a straight answer YES, I BET ON ALANSO FOR $500 NO LARX, I DONT UNDERSTAND F1 AT ALL. Let alone what Alanso. I only know Lewis Hamiltion. (I cant even spell their names). And my cousin was also cute. She say i rather dont bet $10 on 4D on the door number, i go buy Alanso still got $280 return. Hahahaha..
So at night after everyone home, i found that my cousin left some beer in the fridge. So was deciding to drink by myself. Haha. Usually i dun mix beer but yesterday too bored so i mix, beer with orange pulp. It tastes not bad lorx. So slept at 1+ yesterday night.


So was being waken up so early by people. 8am, my cousin SMS me. 9am, my dear friend SMS me. 9.15am Chalet remind me to check-out by 10.30am. Wah piang i want sleep also cant. So nevermind, go have an early shower. Then pack off and go home. Whahaha.. So the whole day just went like this. Chalet is fun but if i can xxxxx x xxxxx i think it might be even fun and happy.
So after returning from chalet i am all busy today. Its so tired today. And i had 2 meals today. Intially i wanted to have one only but up till 6pm i am hungry liao. And then i know why i put on weight le. Because last time during attachment i walked 10mins to lunch and after lunch 10mins back. And now i eat already i never stand up and walk around. That maybe the reason. I am thinking only larx. And its last day of Sep tomrrow. So its left with Oct Nov Dec. Time flies. 2008 going to end soon. And what accomplisment i had in 2008? Hmmm...


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Untitled Post

Lets start today post with something funny i read in papers. What is F1? You see the button beside Esc? That F1 ! And its aint pressing F & 1 (morever not F and 11 arx.) Wahahaha.. Its Lame, i know.

So i reschudule my day today. Was planning to spend late night outside since last train at 1.30am. Was so difficult in finding people. So forget it. And also i am tired larx coz i sleep late yesterday night.

I met my friend to gave her her stuffs and went home to sleep. Half-way thru being woked up. hahaha.. Its alright one. Then went out for dinner and some chit chat.

Its my day. Like this ended liao. And i want to lose weight. OMG! How come my weight shot up from 65 to 72 within months. Fxxx! Siao liao, i am losing weight now. Now target one day eat 2 meals liao.


Saturday, September 27, 2008


Been weeks that i havent met up with friends. Since this few days MRT is extending till 1.30am, anyone wanna meet out tonight? Maybe for a late night movie or a cup or two. Or maybe slack around. Anyone wants?

I am so tired! So late sleep so early wake up. YAWN.... TIRED... ZZZZZ...

One nice pharse "Possible of the impossible"
Critics had said its impossible by all aspects. Not one but a handful. Teacher had taughted the word "Perserve". Generally was thinking will perservance make it possible?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Untitled Post

Its all normal at work today. This few weeks everything is normal. There is nothing much to say either. Its all either i very busy or i very free.

Dinner today, PIZZA HUT.. Wahahaha.. Long time never eat.

And then anyone wanna go out tomrrow. I thinking to go until very late. Because this 3 days MRT is extending till 1.30am. Then come back late late sleep, sunday late late wake up go chalet. Wahaha.. So anyone keen to go out tomrrow? As late as possible. Hahhaa..

And so my birthday celebration really is one month de arx. My god-mum was saying celebrate by eating with her on tuesday. I suggest a thai resturant in CHIJMES. I try and tell everyone the food okie? Hhahaah.. And she asked me the following today
She: So we two go eat?
Me: Ya lorx.
She: You want to call your friend or your sibling along
Me: Eh, they in school
She: Or you want to call your girlfriend
Me: Escape question, talk other thing
Why in the earth is everyone talking about BGR these days. Can i say something again. I AM SINGLE. Dont ask me anything about BGR can? Can i be single? Single no offence de right? So please, dont ask me again. Hoping my family gathering on sunday, no one will ask me this "senistive" question again.


I havent forgot about the Singapore Flyer trip. I do believe about going up there one day.

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So after the milk product something big in the world happen again. Rumours spread that a bank in HongKong had some problems and everyone go queue up to withdraw money. And so does people in their Singapore Branch. People forsee 2009 will be a econmic crisis year again. People do you believe? I truly believe by looking at what had happen recently. I think we must hurry earn whatever can be earn this year and tighten our belts next year. Money money.

After work today, i went to Giant hypermart to buy some BBQ stuffs. I had a hard time carrying all this stuffs home. I brought too many things liao. Hahaha.. A BBQ is hard to plan but when we see the laughter from everyone, i will feel glad. Really. And in the midst of planning everyone will get alittle peck chek because of who's comming and who's not.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

China Milk Product

Recently we got to know of the news melamine in china milk products. Children drinking the milk get some sort of kidney stones in their kidney.

So actually how safe we are? Let me share with everyone something i knew from the newspaper and what i understand from it.

Basically if we do consumed in very little of melamine into our body, our body still can tolerate it. Refer to my last post and as reported in The Straits Times on 24-Sep-2008, The daily tolerable intake of melamine is calculated as per our weight x 0.63mg of melamine. So meaning if you are 70kg your body can take in 44.1mg of melamine. So is it mean the more weight (fatter) we are, the higher tolerance level we have? I do think so.

And you may wonder how come those little kids can suffer from this. This is as they drink milk powder everyday for many times. That why they suffer from. Unless we drink milk like them for everyday, otherwise i think it shouldnt be so easy for us to get it. The straits time already calculated unless we drink 815ml of Dutch lady milk everyday in our life, we will then get it.

Afew bread companies had already committed that their ingridents doesnt come from China. For bread lovers, it is safe to eat the following brand of breads - Garxxx, Sunxxx. And the breads from the following bakery, BrxTx, Prixxx, Delixxx... If possible at this point of time we tempoarily stick to these brands of breads.

Some may also wonder, news had reported this certain brand of choclates, ice-creams and whatever food had been taken of shelves but why we still seen it in Supermarket. This is because all this food doesnt origin from China. Most liely its from our neighbouring countries, that why it is still safe to eat.

Hope the above information shared will make friends out there not so scare ba. Rest assured, i do believe too, foods imported into Singapore had very strict checks. I will post even more information when i have.

Question: What are the symptoms?
Answer: Irrirability and persistent crying especially when passing urine, Pain when passing urine, Fever, Nausea, Vomitting and when urine had blood.
Question: Are adults at risk?
The risk is MUCH LOWER in adults as milk is not our major source of food. Adult kidneys can also FLUSH GREATER MELAMINE from the body.

And 5 more products found to have Melamine. (Bring to a total of 8 now)
Dutch Lady Banana Flavoured Milk
Dutch Lady Honeydew Flavoured Milk
Silang — House of Steamed Potato — Potato Cracker
Puffed Rice Rolls — Butter Corn Flavour
Puffed Rice Rolls — Cheese Flavour.

For enquiries on affected products, consumers can call AVA’s hotline at 6325 7625 on Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6pm.

For health concerns associated with the ingestion of melamine, consumers can call Ministry of Health’s hotline at 1800 225 4122.

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Was so fed-up this afternoon. I help people who destroy my plans. Seriously, i do hate that. I plan for a steamboat dinner for my family tonight. So i purposely not to eat very full during lunch and turn down everything today just to eat with them. And what i received is, at 3pm, my dad called me, saying mum say dun wanna go liao. DIAO =.=". Then after that my mum ask me what i want eat for tonight i already sian sian liao. dunno larx, anything larx. Destroy my plan.

And a bit random. My mum just asked me something
Mum: How much is it to go watch F1?
Me: eh $998.
Mum: huh?
My Sis: Then what you think. $998 is those infront seat.
Me: You want go watch is it?
Mum: Siao arx, i must well take the money go buy new refrigator.
Me: Whahaahaha... So how much you think it is.
Mum: I thot its less than $100.
Hahahaha.. My mum dont know why so intrested in F1 lorx. So funny. I dun even give a damm b'coz i am going to chalet this sunday! What F1 doesnt matter me, i in final stage of planning for my family chalet. And yes, my house will short of 1 2 people attending.

So was so bored this few day at work. Either all sort of work come in at the same time if not nothing to do at all. So sian... When i am bored i will thought of... Actually every moment, every hour i will think of you. Yea, i am thinking of money! Whahahahaa... Believe me?

And my cousin just told me something funny lor. I was planning and counting numbers for our family chalet this weekend.
Me: Wah, our family is small
She: yah lor, u go get married den will ve pple, den give birth even more
Me: hahahahaa... steady larx.... 10yrs ltr will be crowded.
So tired of planning all this stuff, really, its tired of planning. I will always get tired of planning chalets, BBQ, friends gathering. And i seriously hate the reply "see 1st lor". 我在发 rao shao.


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已你分享的快乐是我独自拥有,至今我仍记住。。。。 I am singing.. Hahhahaa... So bored now so blog about yesterday lorx.

And in regard to the China's milk problem. The chemical found in the milk product. Now then it is announced, it happen since last year and they been covering up. But i got some reassurance from our side. AVA says unless we (adults weighing 60kg) eat 47 pieces of White Rabbit Sweet daily or drink 815ml of Dutch-lady milk daily or our whole life then we are in the higher risk. Our body can tolerate a small amount of the chemical - melamine one. We can tolerate 0.63mg/kg of our body weight. Meaning people like us which is about 70kg we can tolerate about 0.63mg x 70 of melamine every day. (Refer to Straits Time report dated Wednesday, 24-Sep-2008)


Driving lesson in the morning. Was so freaking tired after driving. I am really slow lorx. The whole 2 hour lesson yesterday i only cover 1 subject! Was very very very slow. What i learnt. Shift to 2nd gear and turning. Ok larx, admit i am slow. At this speed and by looking at the lesson dates i think i CONFIRM wont be able to complete in 2008. I started with one dream but most probably i will end with a seperate dream too. But i did something great is that i started my driving lesson already.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Untitled Post


Its been a few days since i last blogged. Well, generally last week was a very tense week all across the world. Firstly on monday, the shares and the banks. Then the next day and two the insurance company make people even nervous. Then towards the end of week, milk products from China. ooh my god so many things happening. an for the insurance company, my personal view is do not be too hurry to cash out at this moment. Look at what you had loss if you cash out and i do believe they do keep seperate funds in Singapore. And my personal views is that if everyone cash out at the same time, then the problem will arise. So some cocnern friends asked me (because they know that i do sell travel insurance policies from that insurance company) whether i am in any trouble. Rest assured, i do have some back up. Although i mainly sell that but i still got some back up larx. Its only i pity them because they build up a strong name already. Next the China product. OMG lorx, come my house and you will see many of the items, Ice-Creams, Oreo, Snickers. OMG!

Its a sunday! Generally this week i didnt go out with any one. Hahaha.. Today spend time at home sleeping and at night went to eat chili crabs with my family. And the chili splash onto my shirt. Crabs crabs crabs!


I woke up today by alot of dreams. I do have alot of dreams yesterday night. Maybe its some sort of coincidence? I wondered, will dreams come true or it will always be the opposite. Hmm.. So normal work today and everything go normal (at least until now). Then my dad was suddenly full of some relationship stuffs tonight. We was walking towards home from train station. Then a lady overtake us. Then we walk until somewhere i claimed "wah she walked so fast (about 200m infront of us)". Then my dad say cant see lea, leg short short (no offence) walk so fast. Pa-tor with this kind of girl sure no fun one. Walk so fast. Hahahaha... He dammm damm funny larx! And before that he was saying 2008 olympics we at Beijing watched so 2012 is in London. then he was saying maybe by that time i already married and have children. I staright away huh? where got so fast. I even dunno will i stay single in future anot. Somemore if i really marry by 2012 and got go London and watch olympics, i will tell my dad, ps hor i go with her liao. Whahahaha..

Ok larx super long liao. Going to sleep soon. Tomrrow got lesson at 10.15am. Sian..


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Untitled Post

Just back from cycling trip not long ago. I cycle until i saw getai at my house there de temple. Was listening there.. Nah Si Wa Wu Ji Bai Ban! Huat ah! LOL..

My friend (also known as my friend boyfriend) lost 10k on Liverpool. Its draw. 0-0. Afternoon he still assured mesure win one when i say he is crazy uses 10k to win 1k (because the odds is 1.11). He say sure win one. Now.. 10k fly away. How i wish if i got 10k, i dun nid worry about my driving liao. So random. LOL.

And was chatting with my friend now and i realize something. Out of this 3years i got 2 A only. LOL. Funny sia. 1 semester people maybe can get 2 A liao, i 3 yrs liao then got 2. LOL. Nevermind, next semester i shall work hard and try to get 1 more A. Or 2 or 3 also can! LOL. I think i am "day"dreaming. Hhahahaa...


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Untitled Post

So was very tired today. And my dad told me at night that in the past when he take driving test. He took 7times then pass. Wah power! But actually cant blame larx. Last time dun nid to take lesson one. He say everytime before test he just trial drive for 1hour then test liao. Hahaha. Funny sia.


Feeling so sick today. I realize something already. How i can fall sick one. When i have insufficent sleep, i will have headache eventually fall sick. Hahaha. So i tried to have a good night rest will do. Hahaha.

And received xxx for what i had done! Woo hooo... Money come again. Hahahaha.. I wanted to give $50 to my dad for fuel cost he say dun nid he take $10 will do. Wahahaha.. More money = i can book more driving lesson. Say until driving lesson, it really cost alot sia. I see my bank figures dropping liao. And somemore that day i not enough money, i deposited money for my office one into my account to pay. Shhh! But i got return eventually.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Untitled Post

Was sooooo borreeedddd now... Hahaha.. My long time friend aka xiaomeimei had gone shopping liao. No one to craps to liao.. So fun sia every thursday she off day we will automatically chat. And she so sweet, folded 999 hearts for her boyfriend.

And so wake up so early today to go for driving lesson. Early morning read newspaper then i know i am being "sacked" from my daily job! Argh! Sian 1/2, tiok "sacked" liao, hahaha, no job to do. Sian lorx, so every morning as usual go office work liao.

And talk about driving lesson. Wa sian lorx. Manual car is the most sian one. Really sian. Firstly, i inherit the most pro driving skills from my dad. One hand on Steering Wheel. Then i kana say. After that i cant synchorize clutch with accelerator. Sian 1/2. Dunno when should be the right time to release clutch and all this and that. Then at the bend, i cant turn well. And i cant keep my vehicle proper in lane.. Ahhh! I got alot alot bad hadbits. Whahahahaa.. So next week 2nd lesson. I will learn properly and hope i can drive in future. But by looking at the way of driving, i think next time i want drive i will drive auto car. Manual one really sian. Hhahahaa..

When i passed, the first thing i will do is to find a car to drive.
I will drive you around.
I will make sure you are one of my passenger.
The You included you you you. Alot of you arx.. Meaning alot of people larx.. Hahahaa..